![]() Jun 12 2017, 8:21 pm
bitch how you gonna join less than a week ago and say this, aint noone giving a shit how long the game down for, cept for those no lifers who look at the hub every 5 seconds, kuro has a life other than this bunk ass game, he goes to school, has finals, and if you were a part of the discord youd see he has plans to put it up this summer sometime, but in all honesty, if i were him, and this game made me no money whatsoever and i had little bitches whining at how the game isnt up yet, i wouldnt bother, fuck yall, you dont donate, or help with the game, fuck the majority of you are going to afk train and get banned and then quit for he rest of the wipe because you "tried so hard" or because RNGesus looked down on you and slapped your 3 inch dicks, but hey, at least you got to whine about it on the discussion right?
You don't know me bro, I've been on Byond for years and had to get a new account because mine got hacked. Excuses don't mean shit everybody has a life and just because that dumb ass chose to make a game and put up with little bitches like you doesn't mean he should get sympathy. I wasn't even talkin to yo little ass and you got the never to come at me like I'm sitting here twiddlin my thumbs for some shitty ass game. There are way better games than this trash and people only play it because they like to trash on the game and the stupid ass Owner and they know they can get away with it. So before you try to any shit sit back down and realize just how little anybody cares about this broke ass game.
you don''t Know me bro,, I'Ve BeEn on byOnd FoR yEarS And Had tO gEt a nEw acCouNt BecaUse MiNe gOt HaCkEd. excuSes DoN't MeAn shIt evErYbodY Has A lIfE anD jUsT bEcAuse thaT duMb Ass choSe tO maKe a gAmE And puT uP WitH liTtLe bitChes liKe you doEsn'T meAn He shoUld Get SympAthY. I wAsN't eveN tAlKin To Yo LittLe aSs And you gOt The neVeR To coMe At Me lIkE i'M sIttInG hEre twIddLin my tHumbS foR sOmE sHiTtY aSs Game.. ThErE arE waY beTter gAmes thAn This trAsh aNd peOple onlY plAy iT BecaUse tHeY liKe tO trAsH on tHe gamE And ThE sTupId AsS OWneR aNd tHey kNow theY cAn Get awaY wIth It. So BefOre yoU TrY to anY shIt Sit bacK dOwn anD rEalIze JusT hOw LiTtLe AnYbOdy carEs abOut ThIs broKe aSs Game..
You don't know me bro, I've been on Byond for years and had to get a new account because mine got hacked.
YoU dOn'T kNoW mE bRo, I'vE bEeN oN bYoNd FoR yEaRs AnD hAd To GeT a NeW aCcOuNt BeCaUsE mInE gOt HaCkEd. YoU dOn'T kNoW mE bRo, I'vE bEeN oN bYoNd FoR yEaRs AnD hAd To GeT a NeW aCcOuNt BeCaUsE mInE gOt HaCkEd. YoU dOn'T kNoW mE bRo, I'vE bEeN oN bYoNd FoR yEaRs AnD hAd To GeT a NeW aCcOuNt BeCaUsE mInE gOt HaCkEd. YoU dOn'T kNoW mE bRo, I'vE bEeN oN bYoNd FoR yEaRs AnD hAd To GeT a NeW aCcOuNt BeCaUsE mInE gOt HaCkEd. |
This kid sounds like he plays SWs and considers it to be quality tier when it's really just unbalanced and highly p2w, only having 100 players solely for the icons.
I like how you call me a "kid" yet proceed to mock my comment by using unneeded mimicry. As for Soul Wars I do not play that, I am sorry to disappoint you with your accusation but I don't play fan games anymore and Soul Wars is one of the worst.
So you expect for him to just drop everything and cater to the people who want the game? Even if it meant him failing classes?
Also the only "little bitch" I see here is you. You claim not to care then write a paragraph about how you don't care? Also I don't know what you've heard but unjustified shit talk against the owner is usually dealt with immediately. One last thing: If people didn't care about the game we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. |
1. Never said anything about him dropping and catering to anyone or anything.
2. Just like people can spew their own opinions, bug abuse in-game, talk shit about each other, and a bunch of other things I can do the same and hey I know my opinions are pointless and nobody cares it's just a game. 3. There has been a huge load of shit talk against him and people are still laughing behind his back. He doesn't care so why should anyone else? I see people on other games laughing at how they messed up the game and waiting to top it the next time which is why I quit. People in His little Circle getting away with stuff and half the community knows it. If I am wrong and spewing nonsense then ignore me. |
"Excuses don't mean shit everybody has a life and just because that dumb ass chose to make a game and put up with little bitches like you doesn't mean he should get sympathy."
I don't care what you're doing I want you to put the game up I'm a little kid wahhhhh "Just like people can spew their own opinions, bug abuse in-game, talk shit about each other, and a bunch of other things I can do the same and hey I know my opinions are pointless and nobody cares it's just a game" Only person I know that regularly bug abuses is onik and kuro usually lets it slide because he brings the bugs to kuro's attention "There has been a huge load of shit talk against him and people are still laughing behind his back. He doesn't care so why should anyone else?" I said unjustified. "People in His little Circle getting away with stuff and half the community knows it." That's just plain wrong. "If I am wrong and spewing nonsense then ignore me." You are but I NEED you to know you're wrong. |
YoU dOn'T kNoW mE bRo, I'vE bEeN oN bYoNd FoR yEaRs AnD hAd To GeT a NeW aCcOuNt BeCaUsE mInE gOt HaCkEd.
All I mostly see at the top is you proving just how immature you are. You say he usually let's him slide because he brings it into his attention yet he still does it over and over with little to no punishment which allows him to do it again. You are one of the people in "His Little Circle" so you literally can not say anything of worth.
Bruh, "how little anyone cares about this broke ass game", we might be A small community but still we respect Kuro and each other, we play this game for shits and giggles, not to read some dumb shit from people like you who think they are some special snowflake cause their account got hacked. You can do everyone a favor and k y s.
It's refreshing to see someone use the "kys" though I will happily decline, never have I said I am a special snowflake nor do I wish to be treated as one. I'm just a guy with an opinion much like everyone else on here and if you can't take it then simply ignore it. I can agree that you play the game for "shits and giggles", but you certainly don't respect one another.
Dat's the problem, 1 nigga say something negative and then it's like the damn cops bustin a nigga. I ain't gone feel sorry once the rapture comes and leave yall