This may end up being one of the most unusual topics I have ever created, but I have decided to create such a thread dedicated to BYONDers who graduated in 2006.

I'll start off with the fact that tomorrow, I have graduated 10 years ago. May 27th, 2006 was the day I graduated from High School. This topic probably isn't going to get much traction since most of the people who graduated the same year I did have vanished from BYOND.

If there is anyone from the same year I graduated who still hang around BYOND, feel free to post here.

I might take a day off from programming to celebrate this rare occasion. Coincidentally, the same year I graduated also happened to be a year I did several projects. These include Disky Challenge (inspired by Chip's Challenge), Sledgem! (A top-down game inspired by The Sky Is Falling, another game on BYOND), and Colori Poker (My worst game project I ever released due to user unfriendliness. :P).

And yes, I'm one of those who graduated at 17 years of age due to the way my birthday fell. I basically graduated weeks before my birthday.
Goddamn you're old.
Thank you for making me feel a little less old. I didn't graduate high school until 2008. :)
damn im 9 years off
In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
Thank you for making me feel a little less old. I didn't graduate high school until 2008. :)

You're welcome. :P
2005 master race.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
2005 master race.

2006? Oh, you kids.
In response to Lummox JR
Oh, when did you graduate, great Lummox? xD
In response to GreatPirateEra
Well I was 16 at the time, but let's just say I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes.
I graduated high school back in 2006 as well. This is not my first Key Name but I have been a member since I was in 5th grade. Now it is 10 years after I graduated high school and I am still here. Why can't I leave...
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
I graduated high school back in 2006 as well. This is not my first Key Name but I have been a member since I was in 5th grade. Now it is 10 years after I graduated high school and I am still here. Why can't I leave...

Because you can't resist me.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
2005 master race.

In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Well I was 16 at the time, but let's just say I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes.

My twenty year high school reunion was in 2006. (I didn't go)

(Just realized this thread is almost as old as me...)
Received my GED in 2016 should of graduated in 2014 tho.
these goofs actually graduated with Emo Hair and Myspace profiles. lol
When i graduated, this was Emo (Phillips)
In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
When i graduated, this was Emo (Phillips)

One of my favorite jokes (spoilers in the YouTube comments)