Sending objects to the webclient caused a crash in some rare cases.
BYOND Version:510.1345
Operating System:Linux
Web Browser:Chrome 50.0.2661.102
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (510.1346)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
The source was actually compiled with 510.1344 if that is of any importance.

The BYOND hub reports that port 8000 is reachable.
BUG: Crashing due to an illegal operation!

Backtrace for BYOND 510.1345 on Linux:
Generated at Wed May 25 10:22:14 2016

DreamDaemon [0x8048000, 0x0], [0x8048000, 0x804bb24] [0xf7284000, 0x0], 0x2c4bdd
[0xf77cb000, 0xf77cb420], [0xf77cb000, 0xf77cb420] [0xf7284000, 0x0], 0x2c4bdd [0xf7284000, 0x0], 0x2c525e [0xf7284000, 0x0], 0x2ce49b [0xf7284000, 0x0], 0x20fe0d [0xf7284000, 0x0], 0x2148b1 0x32e3a0, 0x32e4ba 0x2f83c0, 0x2f85c2
DreamDaemon [0x8048000, 0x0], [0x8048000, 0x804ae34] 0x19a00, 0x19af3 (__libc_start_main)
DreamDaemon [0x8048000, 0x0], [0x8048000, 0x804a731]

Recent proc calls:

To help the BYOND developers debug this, please send the above trace as part
of a very detailed bug report:

Interesting. This happened in a server-side routine that sends updates to the webclient. For some reason a movable with the "dirty bounds" flag is trying to be sent when it no longer exists.

I'm not sure what the underlying cause of that is, but I can put in a sanity check for the next release. I've got this marked to close when the next release is out.
Would disabling webclient work as a temporary solution? If so how do you disable webclient in Linux?
Bump. A game I'm working work has been suffering from crashes constantly due to this, I hate to nag but...
This has been fixed already for the next release. I won't be closing this issue until the release is ready, to ensure I have the right version number. I was hoping to get that out sooner but there've been a few delays.

I can say that disabling the webclient will solve this for the time being, since the crash you saw is strictly in webclient-related code.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Sending objects to the webclient caused a crash in some rare cases.