Hello, I came up with a idea of game, but first I want to analyse some things.
I cant make mob bigger than 256x256? And if I can how I can make it into game?
How I can make a normal hit attacks the hand of mob using a basic attack like (mob/M as mob in oview(1). I already tried to make 32x32 icons then together them for a mob but that made I hit only some part of body like the leg, and like did not exist the head if I tried to use the attack on head.
For make things more clear, if I make a 256x256 the code using (mob/M as mob in oview(1) don't work in whole icon just into some part.
Please someone give me a light.
if I use 200x200 icon at a mob,how I can make the whole icon be like a 32x32 icon? Like the density,the bump factors
Hello, sorry I tried to read,understand and test it.
mob/NPCs Monster icon = 'Base.dmi' bound_y = 4 bound_height = 16 bound_width = 16 I dont know what I did wrong but that wont work, I tried to change values of bound_y for seeing how I can make one title filled with bump and density. |
bound_x, bound_y, bound_height, and bound_width are measured in pixels.
If you are using tiled movement, you want them to be multiples of your world's icon size. If you are using pixel movement, go crazy. If your monster's icon is 200x200 and your icon_size is 32x32, Your monster fills 6.25 tiles. If you are using tiled movement, you'll want to round that value to an even number of tiles. So 6 tiles * 32 (your icon size) is 192 pixels. bound_width = 192 bound_height = 192 You follow? |
Ooh that made things clear. I want to make a pixel movement game.
Let me ask a final thing please, how bound_y and bound_x works? I tested them with a 32x32 base and it made the mob goes up. |
bound_x and bound_y is sort of like pixel_x and pixel_y, except it's used for bounding box calculations. Bound_x and bound_y are how far to the east/north the collision box starts from the bottom-left corner of the movable's icon. bound_width/bound_height is how wide/tall the bounding box is in pixels.
I Have A Question On This, So If U Have A 96x96 NPC, And U Set Its Bound X And Y To 96, Does That Mean U'd Be Able To Hit It At Any Point Of Its Body?
bound_x: x1 A bound_x and bound_y of 96 makes your bound box start at the coordinate 96,96. What you want to do in your case is set the bound_width and bound_height to 96, assuming that your icon has no empty space. If it has empty space(no pixels), then you want to use bound_x and bound_y to tell the engine where you want to start your bound_box. Also, to set your bounds, use the following code instead of writing down each variable every time: bounds = "[bound_x],[bound_y] to [bound_width],[bound_height]" //substituting the variables for #s, of course. |
Ok So For Instance, If I Set The Bound X And Y To 0, It'll Start From The Bottom Left Of The NPC, And Bound Width And Height At 96 Will Expand The Box To The Top Right Corner Of It? Also, If I Set The Bound X To Like, -32, Will The Bound Box Expand West By A Tile?
So If Some Projectile Like A Bullet Were To Bump Into The Bound Box It Would Cause Damage To The NPC, Correct?
You can use bound_width and bound_height to make the object "take up space" to match its icon.