Original author: Generex
So you just started the game on what’s currently named Beginner Island the first thing you want to do is complete the tutorial that’s the first and most important thing to do. The next thing you want to do is go on the ship just below the island at the pier Press E to enter, then go talk to the navigator by pressing E again. First place you want to go is “Sumal’s Island” talk to the old man there that looks like Krillin and then re-enter the ship talk to the navigator again and travel to “ Kham’s Island” this is where the wolves are kill a few and get the five wolf fangs return to Krillin on Sumal’s Island and talk to him he will give you a key to a gym in Mugi City which is the next place to go so ask the navigator to take you.
When you get to mugi city look around a bit you are gonna see some grass and trees just below the pier go their and then talk to the “Blind man with a cane read him the book by going to commands and clicking read book start from page 1 it auto reads so you don’t have to keep inputting pages. When the book is finished he will tell you about a friend of his “Kouga” he is at the library which is just below the
‘Park’ to the right(east) of the museum

Go inside talk to the librarian read what he says and then meditate by pressing T. Do this until the Shoukos under stats says 100/100 then speak to the librarian again and buy the book aura for beginners if you don’t have enough you can get Gon(the ingame currency by fighting wolves since you should one shot them and it won’t take that long) after that just read the book you should get some skills.
After this it’s pretty much up to you how you should complete the rest of the goals, cap all of your stats, buy all of the books from the librarian and read them all.
The preferred order for doing this is to meet the current cap for your stats then complete the rest of your goals( crossed out when completed), then you can read the rest of the books and get the bulk of your skills.
If you followed the guide up to this point you should be at the goal which asks you to use a special sheet, this can be bought from the store beside the library for 5 gon; this one

Buy the sheet and right click to use check your goals, next one should be obtain golden scorpion before you do this make sure you defence is atleast 15 and your attack is 20, go to krastal’s Island and enter the cave kill as many as it takes to get the golden scorpion then go to the museum, left of the library (west):

Go in stand beside one of the cases and double click the scorpion in your inventory.
Next on the list hunter exams, these appear every Thursday gain certain items take them to hunter lake use Yugen( one of the nen skills you should have learned, also keep using it until in stats tab it says 40/20 which gives you yugen all the time really useful), when you do that just follow the arrows and talk to the lady inside and bam you’re a hunter, head back to the gym cap all your stats by the time they are capped you should be at level 150 , check the limits again recap them and you should be at level 250+. After that its boss hunting (might add in guide when I figure it out).