
by Raffile
Game in the making
Well it has been a week, so I am back with another post. First off I do not have a demo available, got caught up in various other things. Though I have still been working mostly on the HUD, pause menu, and some polishing but overall its not ready for the community to play yet.


The inspiration for Slimeville goes back to various different sources, mostly seeing the ooze like beings being smashed and slaughtered as entry level enemies in any RPG/MMORPG and movies like Maleficent where the conflict of perception is present. I have also always been curious on the slime itself, is it a mindless creature or does it have a society, does it think or does it just move randomly, with that curiosity the gears in my brain began to imagine this idea~.

The project has been fun so far and hopefully soon (next week) I have a demo ready (Fingers crossed and all that <3) tell then, farewell~!