Apr 30 2016, 11:16 pm
Downloaded Baystation 12 source compiled no issues game is joinable by players if they manually join by typing the byond://serverip:port but my game does not show up on the byond hub under space station 13 page.
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There are a few setting that could explain why your server does not appear on the Space Station 13 hub page.
First, ensure that the visibility setting on Dream Daemon is set to public. Selecting private or invisible will cause the game not to be displayed on the hub page.
Second, since you have access to Baystation 12 source code, ensure that the world.hub variable is set correctly, and that world.hub_password is set correctly.
If I recall, some branches of SS13 comment these variables out as a form of "hub protection". Doing a search though the source code should fish these variables out. Review any documentation that may come with your server for instruction.
Good luck!