
Hello Readers! Spring is in full force, as is evident by the freshly cut lawns filled with bright yellow dandelions. If only we could get vegetable plants to grow like that, then ending world hunger would be a cinch. Back at BYOND, games are springing up as well. Armed with my clippers, let's see what is ready for harvesting.


Happy Administrative Professionals day! However, Lummox JR skipped out on Emancipation, Patriot's, 4/20, Earth day, and Passover last week to work on stabilizing 510 and adding regular expression support to Dream Maker's find/replace feature. However, he has been aching to throw the current beta build up as stable, so work on 511 can begin. On deck is features like native gamepad support, variable optimizations, independent volume controls, client-side frame rates, and graphic filters. Remember that your continued support will help make features like those possible!


Yutput has been rechording music for Epoch's original sound track, which now boasts 28 melodies, spanning over an hour long, collectively. If music isn't your forte, perhaps you'll find interest in the alternative, unseen ending, or the non-player character's portrait depictions. Check out the brand new trailer, and see if that isn't enough to try out the latest demo. If even that's not enough, maybe Epoch being part of the latest batch of Steam Greenlit games will peak your curiosity. Congratulations!

Ishuri has been taking shortcuts lately, certainly not with devlogs or Land of Fire, but rather with traveling about the map, where pressing a correct sequence of keystrokes will accelerate travel between locations. In addition to that, hand-drawn maps have been taken to new heights, particle effects are spreading like wild fire, new characters have been drafted and drawn, and design documents have had a similar experience.

Bravo1 has been working on the third boss in Lux, a side scrolling adventure set in the future. After finishing off this large, laser firing machine, he has plans to create a play-test demo of what he has created thus far. It's not quite ready yet, but keep an eye on the developer's hype thread. I'm sure it will be shared there first, and soon.

Silk Games has posted an update, filling in followers on their latest happenings. Silk Wizard is back to working on game-development, releasing a patch fixing a number of small issues that have cropped up in Nestalgia. The support email backlog is being addressed, sales have remained steady, the Key of Exiles is being taken care of, and so is his second little-one.

Ki Warriors has seen a series of updates since it made a comeback a few weeks ago. AvidAnimeFan shares the addition of vanity items and armaments, which enhance appearance and power, respectively. Additional in-game benefits have been added for subscribers, and the search is on for players to write detailed tutorials covering several game aspects to be displayed on their website.

The mysterious Black Beast attacks have prompted Dr. Gorri to open his clinic and accept help from all adventures looking to improve their healing skills in the latest update to Sigrogana Legend 2. The Goblins and Red Gorgons are looking better as well.

Bl4ck Adam has been digging deeper into Cavern this past month. Fireball are being flung around the room, Inventories are filled with wizard get-ups, and disease infested vermin are present. Could you take down this raging minotaur wielding a cat o' nine tails?

Those years of squashing slimes are going to catch up with us. Raffile has shared the first glimpse of information about Slimeville, an RPG where players take the role of a slime, who's journey leads them to end Slimeageddon. As of recently, basic system are in, and goals have been set.

BYOND Resources

You spelled rec-... oh... OH. I see what you did there. Nevermind. I'll go back in to the shadows.
Hopefully 511 brings an end to the multi-year wait for updated map tools.
BYOND is awesome, Lummox is awesome everything is awesome!
In response to MagicMountain
MagicMountain wrote:
BYOND is awesome, Lummox is awesome everything is awesome!

Im Awesome

Hello wanted to know why when I see the log in a game byond he senpre of an error asking you to reinstall byond ... then I do the whole procedure and the error appears back ....
In response to Morimoto123
There is an entire help forum. Please post this question there instead.
In response to Master jing
Master jing wrote:
MagicMountain wrote:
BYOND is awesome, Lummox is awesome everything is awesome!

Im Awesome

You are my personal hero, Master jing. Keep being awesome.
In response to Morimoto123
Morimoto123 wrote:
Hello wanted to know why when I see the log in a game byond he senpre of an error asking you to reinstall byond ... then I do the whole procedure and the error appears back ....

You need to post a new thread, not hijack other threads that aren't related to your question.

More information would help. It looks like you're using a translator, but not much of what you're saying is clear. If you can offer more details, that would be good.
A new version of my zombie shooter Quarantine is available for play. Updates and changes can be found at