Problem description:I want to read plain text .txt files but don't know how to do this. Ill tell ya why I want to do this is so I load little things quick with out using the .sav files that cant be opened in notepad. Ill give an example.
I want to read through a file that has a long list of saved npcs. This is just a little example of what the text file would contain.
Begin List
npc 1
type /mob/npc/questboss
name "Boss 1"
x 123
y 78
z 1
npc 2
type /mob/npc/questboss
name "Boss 2"
x 157
y 33
z 1
End List
They are the same type but I want to be able to see what they are by reading a simple list and changing it in notepad. how would you go about reading that textfile and setting the location, and name of these questbosses when the world loads.
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Or you could learn JSON, write your text file in JSON, and use json_decode().