Help me get rid of it! What should I do?
Nishiatsu suggested baby oil and Sharp said toxic waste. Now what?

Kunark suggested an ear candle, and Nishiatsu said I should try vegetables. Great going you two. All that resulted in a candlelit dinner. Now I have a well-fed, oiled, happy bug in my ear!

BigBoid said to burn it. I gave him a hot foot! I don't think he likes that much.
Then CyberHound suggested I chase him away with a tampon. Ew. I think he mistook it for a cigarette. He's currently smoking it and reclining by the fire like this were the introduction to Masterpiece Theatre.

What's the matter with you guys??? Dark_Shadow_Ninja said I should get him drunk. I think he likes it. He'll never leave at this rate!

Lord of Light suggested that I seduce him. That didn't work out well. Now the pitter patter of little ones echoes through my eardrum.

BigBoid suggested a toothpick, but now he's picking his tooth with it. A good idea, though.

Danial.Beta recommended that I just stab the blasted thing. Due to the placement of my eyes on my head, I was unable to see very well and I kinda missed.
BigBoid's idea of a fish hook with a porno didn't work either, because I got the hook stuck in my open wound. It's a good thing that Nishiatsu suggested I see a "bloody" doctor.

You know what, you guys suck at giving advice! I knew I shouldn't have asked the internet for medical advice!