I can't believe they did this. 21/fights-break-out-over-first-gender-neutral-bathroom-in-l- a-unified-school-district/

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I get really pissed off when people call restrooms "bathrooms". DO YOU PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE?

A RESTROOM is when you walk into a McDonald's, eat a Big Mac, and then poop it out.

A BATHROOM is when you wake up, walk a few steps into the room across from your bedroom, and take a bath. THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED A BATHROOM. GOD.

The most infuriating part about this is they actually had it right on this sign to begin with, but then they screwed it up by calling it a "bathroom" underneath it. How did no one catch the mistake? It's either a restroom or a bathroom, IT CAN'T BE BOTH SIMULTANEOUSLY. 2016-04-19/Reuters/2016-04-19T183545Z_01_TOR910_RTRIDSP_3_US -VIRGINIA-LGBT.jpg&w=1484

You know what? Just shut it down. Close the entire school. I'm done.
I'm all for LGBT rights, but the whole bathroom thing pisses me off. Like, everybody's got a pen or an ink well between their legs whether they embrace it or not so like, just do your business and leave. I just don't get all the drama over such a stupid matter. Is it a symbolic victory or something? A bathroom is a bathroom. Except for when it's a restroom, ofc.
It just makes sense to me to make it so if you have a penis you're assigned the mens restroom

bonus privilege for having both maybe? or neither and give them a bucket to use outside.
Just think about the amount of STDs that'll spread in these restrooms :o
The existence of waste release facilities is cringe-worthy. How have you lesser humans not learned to have a perfectly-functioning digestive that produces no waste and, in fact, generates excess energy you can sell off to power companies? You all are just pathetic.
Why do we even have separate restrooms. It's stupid. We're all doing the same thing with different equipment. $#@! it's like having a sink for washing plates and a sink for washing silverware.
Cloud Magic wrote:

+9999 internets to you.
In response to Kozuma3
or neither and give them a bucket to use outside.

Some of us has been forced to use an outhouse once in their life... check ur privileges koz e.e.

Taking a shite in a bucket outside is probably more sanitary than public bathrooms restrooms.


I support it tho below is why.

okay but seriously

I dont use the public batthr... uhh restrooms anyway so this won't affect me at all :]. Ive been practicing ever since i was 6 to take a bath before i go out... i mean take a shit and piss before i go out so i don't have to go to the restroom i mean bathroom later then i hold in all the waste n shite for a good 16 hours and when i finally reach home i go on the shitter.


In high school I used to draw penises and turtles on the restroom walls. Most graffiti was gang related, but since I wasn't in a gang, I had to create my own, so I invented the Penis Gang and Turtle Mafia. In retrospect I feel sorry for the janitor who had to keep painting over those dicks I was drawing, he seemed like a pretty chillax guy. The type of guy you'd smoke 3 or 4 weeds with.

An even more elaborate story is when I had my 2nd job out of high school, I had fuckboy managers who were consistently pissing me and just about everyone else off and since for some reason there's laws against kicking people's asses, I had to find more creative ways to get back at them. One day one of the cooks left his white cook coat in the locker room and walked back out for a few minutes. All of the cooks carried Sharpie markers in their coat pockets because they used them to write labels or dates on food containers. I took the Sharpie out of his coat pocket and drew a large penis on the wall, complete with strands of hair hanging off the scrotum, and then put the Sharpie back.

I went back to washing dishes and after 10 minutes I hear one of my coworkers laughing hysterically. He yells at me "Hey, did you see the dick on the locker room wall?"


I follow him into the locker room to see what he's talking about, because I totally didn't know which dick he was referring to. The managers came in too and were pissed off. They called the building maintenance guy in to come paint over it, and then later on I was sitting outside with some more coworkers out in the smoking area ( I don't smoke, I just like to hear people rant so I sat out there with them ) and they were all talking about who they think drew it.

I was the best employee at the place by far. Did my job in a timely fashion, was never late, no write ups for anything, so no one suspected me. Instead, there was this gay guy who had recently been hired, and one of the guys sitting next to me said "You know who I think it was? That new gay dude. Whoever drew it is obviously someone who fantasizes about dicks. Plus, we didn't have a graffiti problem until he was hired."

Apparently he told this to the managers and they called the gay guy into the office and questioned him about it. A few days later, I overheard him during lunch saying he denied drawing it but they still wrote him up for it anyway. In retrospect I feel sorry for the gay guy. When he wasn't talking about his ex-boyfriends, he was pretty chillax. I would've probably smoked 1 or 2 weeds with him.

At a distance.

But hey, it's not my fault someone irresponsibly left a permanent marker in my vicinity while I was in a locker room by myself. Restaurant cooks need to be more careful. I'm not the person in the wrong here. Society is wrong. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME.
In response to EmpirezTeam
You're a bad frog.
I prefer lavatory
In response to GreatPirateEra
GreatPirateEra wrote:
You're a bad frog.

If it makes you feel better, that was the most evilest thing I've ever done.

I have relatives that are involved in drug dealing, counterfeiting, illegal possession of weapons, dog fighting, and gang related violence in general. I have an uncle doing life in prison, another uncle who was shot and killed in an alley over drugs, another uncle who has an armory and does dog fights but has somehow managed to avoid getting caught, one of my brothers went to prison for I think a year or two for counterfeiting, my other brother went to jail for violating a restraining order, my brother in law joined the military and then went AWOL, I have 3 cousins who got started with drug dealing at around 13 ( one of which was the target of a drive-by shooting 2 years ago, no one got killed though ), my only sister died after taking her stupid Mom's advice ( we have different mothers ) which was to abuse government assistance ( unfortunately, the plan didn't work out since she died attempting to have her second baby, and like I said, their Dad went AWOL so my two nieces lives are fucked ). I could keep going on with this list but I'm sure you can determine by now that I'm an angel in comparison to the rest of my dysfunctional family.
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:
I prefer lavatory

When I was younger and I heard people say "lavatory", I'd always think they were saying "laboratory" ( because I used to watch Dexter's Laboratory on TV all the time ) and I didn't understand why they kept calling it a laboratory because there weren't any computers in the restroom.

In response to EmpirezTeam
At a distance.
Some people just want to take a raunchy shit without their dangly bits in question.