So, this issue... is pretty easy to implement. I've already laid down the exact steps to implement it. I don't know about the underlying frameworks, but I do know that you designed the BYOND Pager software yourself and unless you're far less competent than I think you are you'll be able to send an extra 8 bytes to the hub.
As I said, it's not a matter of adding bytes. It's a matter of altering three different pieces of software, one of which gets mad if you look at it wrong, and thoroughly testing the changes. Adding a field to the db is the very easiest part. I know you don't believe me when I say this isn't an easy thing to add, but it isn't. The work-reward ratio is simply too small.
Security is moot. The worst case scenario is that someone claims their server is a child of someone else's. So what? They'd only be artificially increasing someone else's player count. Most people in this community aren't even capable of finishing their own projects, let alone working together with others.
Actually what could also happen is a server forcing itself in under someone else's, so that it looks more legit than it is. Probably a minor issue when not showing the child worlds. But if there's one thing I've learned about hub stuff, it's that security is never moot.
To address your faster-not-smarter point, the truth is I've learned the hard way that doesn't work. If something isn't well thought-out from the beginning, it causes problems down the road. That's 90% of the reason the code is as complex as it is already, because things weren't planned out well or weren't built to scale, and a large portion of the work I've done on the code over the years has been to address the fallout of that. I've done faster-not-smarter with the hub, and it always works out badly.
And I really do have to triage features; they all get weighed by the work vs. potential benefits. I know you're really anxious for this feature, but the truth is you're probably the only one.
I will say it's the kind of thing I'd be more interested in pursuing if it were part of a larger hub upgrade to add other new features, especially if that coincided with the release of 511; in that case a lot of the spin-up time between projects gets spread around, the testing is more of a one-shot deal, and everything's organized a lot more cleanly. But I'd be lying if I told you I had a good plan for handling the queries on the hub side of things, because as I said the hub likes to pipeline output from queries and this is more of a collect-and-organize case; it really does need planning.
I've been trying and speaking out about this but no one listens, there's no way new developers would ever pick this over whatever other engine that might be 1 000% worst but way way better presented to the mases.