So I had a question. Is it possible to place music files into a folder, and have a music player system look for all files in a specified folder and pick from them after a certain increment of time?
Well the files would be MIDs and I would like it to be server side so no client would have to have the game files in order for it to work
If you're talking about .midi's, that's fine. BYOND can play those internally. Now are you looking to play a specific list of songs, or do you want the game to play every .midi that's included in the host files and play them one by one?
Easiest method would probably be create an associative list of all the songs, and then play them. Associative because you can number the songs and have them cycle by checking the song number with the list length. |
Well I mean my intended purpose is area music.. Say you enter an area and it plays a random song from a folder called "Forest" and the folder has like 12 songs in it
Or even if you could tell me how to create a list of songs and how to pick from a list of files
Alright, so for the /area you'll want to use Entered() and Exited(). You can assign a list variable for /area that will reference the songs you want. Then using pick() for the list, you'll want to output using sound().
I think it should come around something like this: area But don't quote me on that. I've been running a high fever the past few days so I'm out of it. |
What type of audio file is it? mp3, ogg, wmv, etc.
Is the music stored server-side or client-side?
If you can answer those two questions, we would get a better understanding where to guide you.