I was told to follow the old cliche way of activating subscriptions by going to my games' hub, and finding a button "Distribution". However, I do not see it. I've tried looking through options tabs, and account settings but apparently there's no way for me to enable an Subscribers option for my game?
Anyone know if there's a new way to go about this?
Apr 5 2016, 11:26 am
Apr 5 2016, 11:34 am
Only games marked "Published" gain access to the distribution tab.
Actually it's the Subscriptions and Credits tabs you'd want, but those aren't available to games not in the published section.
Ah Okay, and remind me again what are the requirements for having your game published?
In response to HaxRp
"User content uploaded to or displayed on the website can be filtered or removed at the discretion of the BYOND staff. Items that warrant such action include, but are not limited to:
pornographic, racist, or otherwise vulgar content; content that is intended to incite or attack a particular user or group; content that causes a significant use of bandwidth for purposes that don't benefit the BYOND community in some manner acceptable to the BYOND Staff; content that breaks any laws or contracts. If you are a game developer, you should avoid using third-party content without the permission of the original owner. This includes, but is not limited to, trademarks and the usage of images and other media not in the public domain. Violating these terms may result in a takedown of your listing, or the termination of your account for repeated offenses." http://www.byond.com/TOS |