icon() is returning all 4 dirs when used to extract 1 dir from another /icon.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
People weren't able to reproduce this in a small test case, but I can definitely reproduce it on my repo.
The very specific line which is breaking is icon(A.icon, A.icon_state, SOUTH, 1). It works, except when A is a human, whose icon undergoes a ton of icon operations to build it.
- 1. Download https://github.com/PJB3005/vgstation13/tree/Lummox-debug as zip
- 2. Copy /config-example/admins.txt and admin_ranks.txt into /config, add '[ckey] - Host' to the copied admins.txt to make yourself admin.
- 3. Compile, run in DD and join.
- 4. Use the "Start Now" verb (server tab)
- 5. Examine yourself (shift click or right click -> examine)
- 6. Due to a debug line I placed in that branch the icons outputted to the chat now get outputted to /data/icon-debug-[state], all icons are 1 dir, except mysteriously the icon humans use.
Repeating step 5 for other objects does work.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
See above
Expected Results:
icon() to consistently extract 1 dir.
Actual Results:
icon() returns all 4 dirs on specific icons. The only thing I can think of that could cause this is the tons of icon operations such as blending and mapColors done on the icons this happens for.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? No idea
In other user accounts? Yes
On other computers? Yes
When does the problem NOT occur?
All icons except the specific ones that it does occur on.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked?
No idea, really.