Some of these comments made me cringe so hard and yes I know ur being sarcastic
When i was a nub back during and before i went by Shadow Void, i used to get into aforementioned pissing matches with other nubs. To the extent of having "code offs" to see who could make the "superior" shitty code the fastest for like, a Who verb or some shit.

Good times.
You were Shadow Void? Disowned.
I'll admit to quite a bit of L, though not exactly in the manner described...
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
You were Shadow Void? Disowned.

I've changed, love me! D;
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
why are you censoring yourself

we're all mature, responsible grown men here

Because I'm only twelve and my ***** mom won't let me.

In response to Popisfizzy
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