Problem description:
Not sure what the issue is with Beta, but some icons and what not don't seem to be working. I programmed my game while in Stable version since the beginning until now noticing that alot of my players are having a "Beta" version bug as to where buttons/screen hud icons aren't in their right spots or they do not appear at all.
I'm having a hard time figuring out whats exactly wrong since I'm new to "Beta", I haven't read up on any Byond Updates since 2015, and I feel alittle out of the loop.
Can someone help me?
Byond Beta
My Login screen:
Byond Stable
My Login screen:
See the difference?
Mar 27 2016, 7:59 am
Mar 27 2016, 8:26 am
... Oh boy. Read up on the changes in 510. Specifically about planes. You probably should update your BYOND version and host in the latest beta. And restrict players from joining below 510
My Byond is up to date on the latest Beta, I figured that would automatically fix things but clearly it doesn't.
Thanks though, I'll have to read up on how exactly to restrict players who are below 510 but this helped alot. :) |
In response to HaxRp
Don't forget that you actually have to look into planes(510 feature) to get layering issues and whatnot fixed. There's a change in how HUD objects are layered which might be the cause of your invisible objects