Turfs with big icons did not follow normal big-icon rules, thus disappearing from view too early, when they were on the map already when the world first loaded.
BYOND Version:510.1333
Operating System:N/A
Web Browser:N/A
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (510.1334)

This issue has been resolved.
(Posted by Lummox JR on behalf of NSBR.)

Descriptive Problem Summary:

When a turf with a big icon is on the map, it can disappear from view right away. This only happens with big icons that were already on the map when the world first started.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Turfs with big icons did not follow normal big-icon rules, thus disappearing from view too early, when they were on the map already when the world first loaded.