(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Its probably just affecting me, but I can no longer put icons in without putting the folder in it. (Probably not making any sense right now so here's an example)


Lets say that the file "turfs.dmi" is in a folder called Icons.
When I compile it, it would say "'turfs.dmi': cannot find file"
Only workaround to this is if I were not to put any of the icons in a folder and just leave it in the main folder.

Already tried reintalling BYOND, but didn't fix it. Didn't try installing older versions though.
Best response
Turn on auto FILE_DIR in your project settings.
Keep in mind, this will slow down the compile process the larger your project gets, using the full paths is easier on the system.
In response to Lummox JR
How do I do that?

EDIT: Nevermind, found out how to. Thanks!
icon = 'File_DIR/Object.dmi'//insert the folder name & icon.
You shouldn't have the leading / there, that'll make it search for the file at the filesystem's root level, which the game generally won't have access to.
common mistake was just giving a example didnt notice that until you pointed it out.
does having auto file dir off make a big difference in compile time?
Depends on the size of the project, but yes, it does.

Consider the process;

With FILE_DIR on you're doing the following for file lookups:

1. The compiler finds a file within single-quotes.
2. The compiler has to search the entire file tree for a file matching that name.
3. Continue adding the resource.
4. Hopefully there's not another file named the same thing in another directory.

With FILE_DIR off.

1. The compiler finds a file within single-quotes.
2. The compiler has a full path to the file already, so it can add the file to the resources.
3. Be happy since using a full path prevents any name conflicts.

That whole "scan the file tree" part can slow things down majorly in larger projects, the more files it has to search through the longer it'll take.
that's interesting