(See the best response by FKI.)

for(T in (typesof(/obj/Items/Mana_Potions) - /obj/Items/Mana_Potions))
ManaPotionsList += new T

creating = input("Which Mana Potion?") in ManaPotionsList

usr.contents += new creating
usr.contents += new/obj/Items/Full_Mana_Potion

Problem description:

For some reason, when trying to create a new Full Mana Potion, using the first way doesn't work, even though in the runtime error it says the correct path.

runtime error: Cannot create objects of type /obj/Items/Mana_Potions/Full_Mana_Potion.
proc name: Create (/mob/GM/verb/Create)
usr: (src)
src: YuuHkiSay (/mob/Player)
src.loc: the grass (32,82,1) (/turf/ground/grass)
call stack:
YuuHkiSay (/mob/Player): Create()
Best response
First of all, you are adding object instances to the global list, not type paths. So when you select a potion to create, you are getting an object back, when what you want is the type of object to create.

Also, your world/New() should use the supercall ..() proc.

Edit: Or alternatively, you could do:

usr.contents += new creating.type

Make sure creating is typecasted as an object at least.
Adding a new() item to usr.contents is a backwards way to go about it, because you can pass the new location for the object in new() itself.


It's way more efficient, and easier to read the code, when you pass the new location as an argument.