Just spent a good bit of the night doing some more translating. This is the opening line to an important part of the main religious text in the region of my conworld I'm working on. The excerpt within the text this is from is called the Testament of Revelation and Inception, and the Early Heartlandic/Late Cólþạrcic text is,

Júlojṭox jạ rjex injéti in lạjtlạþj nir, ë́tunutlicj ëẓ isjúlëlicj, mocelutlicj ëẓ nạþutlicj, ṭurlicj ëẓ folólicj, télicj ëẓ rusnílicj, tuclicj ëẓ ạnílicj, ạ́sjëlicj ëẓ paclúlicj, ạjrlicj ëẓ comólicj! Xufsëru ạfnësj elt, ạfëftj Luþojsạrnj! Ạfëftj jạ cas nóslạxoþ Ícrilunun am! Xumþísëru ci axë! Nạþsëru ci axë! Rácsjëru axë iẓúþjortecaln! Cojáṭim paẓjạs juc éþurþorcosj Luþojsạrnj, ëz usj cólësil axë ëẓ ajlíþmirþj am!

And the translation I arrived at is,

O great people that are standing before me now, travelers and locals, non-believers and worshipers, the old and the young, women and men, the healthy and the sick, the poor and the rich, commoners and nobles! Listen to my words, words of the High God! Words that were spoken by his Prophet! Thank him greatly! Pray to him greatly! Give him your offerings! Be happy because of the revelation of the High God, so that we may serve him and his glory!

For the most part, I'm fairly-satisfied with it. Took fucking hours to do, though. At least four or five, though that included updating my lexicon with new entries while I was at it which adds to the time taken.

As with everything else, this is very much subject to change. In particular, the following portion,

ë́tunutlicj ëẓ isjúlëlicj, mocelutlicj ëẓ nạþutlicj, ṭurlicj ëẓ folólicj, télicj ëẓ rusnílicj, tuclisj ëẓ ạnílicj, ạ́sjëlicj ëẓ paclúlicj, ạjrlicj ëẓ comólicj

has a lot of repetition of the -licj suffix (which denotes plural number, absolutive case, person noun class, and definite). This is because I've decided against introducing conjugation-related morphological irregularities for now, and wait until I get a better idea of what I want from the predecessor language, Middle Cólþạrcic, to decide on sound changes from its case system and ways to introduce irregularity there. When that happens, the above line will probably cease to be as repetitious with -licj.
Just for fun, I was messing around with a revision to the orthography. It's not something I am seriously considering changing, but it was for shits and giggles. So, the original text I mentioned above is,

Júlojṭox jạ rjex injéti in lạjtlạþj nir, ë́tunutlicj ëẓ isjúlëlicj, mocelutlicj ëẓ nạþutlicj, ṭurlicj ëẓ folólicj, télicj ëẓ rusnílicj, tuclicj ëẓ ạnílicj, ạ́sjëlicj ëẓ paclúlicj, ạjrlicj ëẓ comólicj! Xufsëru ạfnësj elt, ạfëftj Luþojsạrnj! Ạfëftj jạ cas nóslạxoþ Ícrilunun am! Xumþísëru ci axë! Nạþsëru ci axë! Rácsjëru axë iẓúþjortecaln! Cojáṭim paẓjạs juc éþurþorcosj Luþojsạrnj, ëz usj cólësil axë ëẓ ajlíþmirþj am!

Writing it in this alternate orthography gives me,

Yúloyṭoh yä ryeh inyéti in läytlädhy nir, ĕ́tunutliky ĕṭs isyúlĕliky, mokelutliky ĕṭs nädhutliky, ṭurliky ĕṭs folóliky, téliky ĕṭs rusníliky, tukliky ĕṭs äníliky, ä́syĕliky ĕṭs paklúliky, äyrliky ĕṭs komóliky! Hufsĕru äfnĕsy elt, äfĕfty Ludhoysärny! Ạfĕfty yä kas nóslähodh Íkrilunun am! Humdhísĕru ki ahĕ! Nädhsĕru ki ahĕ! Ráksyĕru ahĕ iṭsúdhyortekaln! Koyáṭim paṭsyäs yuk édhurdhorkosy Ludhoysärny, ĕts usy kólĕsil ahĕ ĕṭs aylídhmirdhy am!

The most recent version of the prayer I posted before is,

Priest: Faljárxte, apjútnë onc-zulníco, tëralco ëẓ tulétco! Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir amnírisprjo ulsëc.
Audience: Faljárxte, amnírisxjuc ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir þúlriþẓjạl ulsëc, fi tasjir nạþriþẓjạl ulsëc.
Audience: Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Pacljéþmis ëz sạj núsjumë uzëc curéjcujil amir apjéþortesj réleþoret nir.
Audience: Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Sultjépmis ëz ípeẓjil amir cojátpro-'t pëlaþorạ́sjula uzëm apjéþorëpcrétesj.
Audience: Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Zjaxótmis ëz emạtëc pëlaro uþectesj nir opú usjëc cojátpro lạẓmaril amir.
Audience: Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Aþjúlmis ëz sạj átalepro uzëc jạ nulþojur pacólpejrula uzëmëc ṭoro lafúlạsjula uzëmëc.
Audience: Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Curxésmis ëz usjëc ísjiro curéjimaril am lạjzjo jạ usjëc pëlanújx opú usjëc cóltpro zaxóþomaril am.
Audience: Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Usjëc lucsë fi tasjir þúnapro Luþojmís ëz sạj xufpro nạþorạsjela tax ạcólpejsjil am.
Audience: Faljárxte, þúnarisxjulþ ulsëc.
Priest: Luþojtej! Elej jạ þoþ cólutjicmirela taxir ṭepésë ci tarir mạst iþaẓutëþẓela taxir, jạ mạc injéti in ëz rjex xufpro þúnaþorạsjil Faljárxsạrn ëẓ rácjolpë mot!
Audience: Luþojtej! Rácrjisxjuþ uzëc amníþortecil rusir.
Together: Calir núsrjisprjo nilmir ulsëc.

And revised,

Priest: Falyárhte, apyútnĕ onk-tsulníko, tĕralko ĕṭs tulétko! Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir amnírispryo ulsĕk.
Audience: Falyárhte, amnírishyuk ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir dhúlridhṭsyäl ulsĕk, fi tasyir nädhridhṭsyäl ulsĕk.
Audience: Falyárhte, nädhrishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir nädhrisypro Paklyédhmis ĕts säy núsyumĕ utsĕk kuréykuyil amir apyédhortesy réledhoret nir.
Audience: Falyárhte, nädhrishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir nädhrisypro Sultyépmis ĕts ípeṭsyil amir koyátpro-'t pĕladhorä́syula utsĕm apyédhorĕpkrétesy.
Audience: Falyárhte, nädhrishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir nädhrisypro Zyahótmis ĕts emätĕk pĕlaro udhektesy nir opú usyĕk koyátpro läṭsmaril amir.
Audience: Falyárhte, nädhrishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir nädhrisypro Adhyúlmis ĕts säy átalepro utsĕk yä nuldhoyur pakólpeyrula utsĕmĕk ṭoro lafúläsyula utsĕmĕk.
Audience: Falyárhte, nädhrishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir nädhrisypro Kurhésmis ĕts usyĕk ísyiro kuréyimaril am läytsyo yä usyĕk pĕlanúyh opú usyĕk kóltpro tsahódhomaril am.
Audience: Falyárhte, nädhrishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Usyĕk luksĕ fi tasyir dhúnapro Ludhoymís ĕts säy hufpro nädhoräsyela tah äkólpeysyil am.
Audience: Falyárhte, dhúnarishyuldh ulsĕk.
Priest: Ludhoytey! Eley yä dhodh kólutyikmirela tahir ṭepésĕ ki tarir mäst idhaṭsutĕdhṭsela tahir, yä mäk inyéti in ĕts ryeh hufpro dhúnadhoräsyil Falyárhsärn ĕṭs rákyolpĕ mot!
Audience: Ludhoytey! Rákryishyudh utsĕk amnídhortekil rusir.
Together: Kalir núsryispryo nilmir ulsĕk.

This is mostly just an experiment in how a change in the way a language is written can change how it "feels", I guess.


And a Greek version of the above excerpt, BECAUSE WHY NOT!

Yόυλoυδoχ υω ρυεχ ινυέτι ιν λωυτλωθυ νιρ, έητουνο&upsi lon;τλικυ εηδς ισυόυλ&epsilo n;ηλικυ, μoκελουτλ& iota;κυ εηδς νωθουτλι&kappa ;υ, δουρλικυ εηδς φoλóλικυ, τέλικυ εηδς ρουσνίλι& kappa;υ, τουκλικυ εηδς ωνίλικυ, ώσυεηλι&kap pa;υ εηδς πακλόυλ&io ta;κυ, ωυρλικυ εηδς κoμóλικυ! Χουφσεηρ&omicro n;υ ωφνεησυ ελτ, ωφεηφτυ Λουθoυσω&rho ;νυ! Ωφεηφτυ υω κας νóσλωχoθ Ίκριλουν& omicron;υν αμ! Χουμθίσ&epsilon ;ηρου κι αχεη! Νωθσεηρου κι αχεη! Ράκσυεηρ& omicron;υ αχεη ιδσόυθυo ρτεκαλν! Κoυάδιμ παδσυως υουκ έθουρθoρ&ka ppa;oσυ Λουθoυσω&rho ;νυ, εητς ουσυ κóλεησιλ αχεη εηδς αυλίθμιρ&th eta;υ αμ!
I'm now here to announce that work is being done on executing instructions. First step once some of the instructions are executable is to test out the DOS ROM. That way, I may put some work away from the C++ and put the DOS towards it's own ROM (using ClassicVCom HD's own instruction set).

Once you can execute programs and mount your local directory, I will make the assembler available. Plus, it will come with instructions to use in your assembly programs. In the near future, I will work on another programming language for those less inclined dealing with assembly. Sound support is still not in yet though.

Eventually, I'll start allowing others to work on the project. Right now, I've been doing the code work myself to make sure everything works as intended. Not to mention, I have plenty of goals still waiting.
Been doing more DM programming and less of other projects for a bit, so I haven't had any updates! But today I was thinking of working more on my worldbuilding again, since I've been extremely stressed out for about sixty different reasons and it tends to be a relaxing exercise for me.

On that front, I was toying around with the script for Early Heartlandic/Late Cólþạrcic. In actuality, I've been toying around with the script for several years, and have known what sort of "feel" and letterforms I want from it for quite a long time. What I really need is the details. As it stands, I think it's going to be an alphabet-syllybary mashed up beast, though with justifications for it in the setting that I won't get into here.

These are some notes I put up on my whiteboard1 regarding the script. Some of it is a bit superfluous (e.g., the pronunciation details), and the important bits are how the script breaks up exactly. That is, the following bit: "jus-lo-j-ṭo-x jạ rep-x i-nesp-ti i-n lạ-j-t-lạsp ni-r!". To get the gist of that: each cluster of characters is a single character in the script, while the superscripts refer to diacritics. The superscript s indicates the syllable is stressed, while the superscript p indicates palatalization (sort of like the difference between "n" and "ny" in "cannon" versus "canyon").

That is kind of ugly-looking because I'm not used to writing on a whiteboard. Here is the same thing written on paper, which is a medium I'm much more comfortable with. I enjoy how it looks so far, and it's taken a few years to get it looking just how I'd like. As it stands, it may not be exactly there but it's pretty dang close.

1Yes, I have a whiteboard. I'm a budding mathematician, it's practically a requirement.
I'm doing more revisions on the script, and reworked the previous stuff into this, which is coming along fairly nicely I think. This says the first line of the previous text I supplied:

Júlojṭox jạ rjex injéti in lạjtlạþj nir, ë́tunutlicj ëẓ isjúlëlicj, mocelutlicj ëẓ nạþutlicj, ṭurlicj ëẓ folólicj, télicj ëẓ rusnílicj, tuclicj ëẓ ạnílicj, ạ́sjëlicj ëẓ paclúlicj, ạjrlicj ëẓ comólicj!

which translates to,

O great people that are standing before me now, travelers and locals, non-believers and worshipers, the old and the young, women and men, the healthy and the sick, the poor and the rich, commoners and nobles!
And another sample! This is a fairly-long one that was for me to work out some details of the script, and I think it came out quite nicely (barring the fuck-up I made partway down).

This says:

Faljárxte, apjútne onc-zulníco, tëralco ëẓ tulétco! Usjëc lucse fi tasjir amnírisprjo ulsëc.
Faljárxte, amnírisxjuc ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir þúlriþẓjạl ulsëc, fi tasjir nạþriþẓjạl ulsëc.
Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Pacljéþmis ëz sạj núsjume uzëc curéjcujil amir apjéþortesj réleþoret nir.
Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Sultjépmis ëz ípeẓjil amir cojátpro-\'t pëlaþorạ́sjula uzëm apjéþorëpcrétesj.
Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Zjaxótmis ëz emạtëc pëlaro uþectesj nir opú usjëc cojátpro lạẓmaril amir.
Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Aþjúlmis ëz sạj átalepro uzëc jạ nulþojur pacólpejrula uzëmëc ṭoro lafúlạsjula uzëmëc.
Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir nạþrisjpro Curxésmis ëz usjëc ísjiro curéjimaril am lạjzjo jạ usjëc pëlanújx opú usjëc cóltpro zaxóþomaril am.
Faljárxte, nạþrisxjulþ ulsëc.
Usjëc lucse fi tasjir þúnapro Luþojmís ëz sạj xufpro nạþorạsjela tax ạcólpejsjil am.
Faljárxte, þúnarisxjulþ ulsëc.
Luþojtej! Elej jạ þoþ cólutjicmirela taxir ṭepése ci tarir mạst iþaẓutëþẓela taxir, jạ mạc injéti in ëz rjex xufpro þúnaþorạsjil Faljárxsạrn ëẓ rácjolpe mot!
Luþojtej! Rácrjisxjuþ uzëc amníþortecil rusir.
Calir núsrjisprjo nilmir ulsëc.

which is the prayer I posted before, sans the portion that says "Priest:" and "Audience:".


And a character-by-character, line-by-line breakdown of the above is:

Heading: suFS-na-soF-rëD-ci-së a-puPS-ze-sëP
  1. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, a-puPS-tëD-ne o-ncë zu-lëD-niS-co, të-ra-lëD-co ë-zëF tu-leS-tëD-co! u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi
  2. ta-siP-rë a-mëD-niS-ri-sëD-pëD-roP u-lëD-së-cë.
  3. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, a-mëD-niS-ri-sëD-xuP-cë u-lëD-së-cë.
  4. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë suFS-lëD-ri-sëFD-zạP-ë u-lëP-së-cë.
  5. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-xuF-lë-D-sëF.
  6. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-pëD-roP pa-cëD-lePS-sëDF-mi-së e-zë sạL nuS-suP-me u-zë-cë
  7. cu-reLS-cu-ji-lë a-mi-rë a-pePS-soF-rëD-te-sëP reS-le-soF-re-të ni-rë.
  8. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-xuF-lë-D-sëF.
  9. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-pëD-roP su-lëD-tePS-pëD-mi-së ë-zë iS-pe-ziFP-lë a-mi-rë
  10. co-jaS-tëD-pëD-ro i-të pë-la-soF-rạS-suP-la u-zë-më a-pePS-soF-rë-pëD-cëD-reS-te-sëP.
  11. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-xuF-lë-D-sëF.
  12. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-pëD-roP zaP-xoS-tëD-mi-së e-zë e-mạ-të-cë pë-la-ro u-seF-cëD-te-sëP
  13. ni-rë o-puS u-sëP-cë co-jaS-tëD-pëD-ro lạ-zëDF-ma-ri-lë a-mi-rë.
  14. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-xuF-lë-D-sëF.
  15. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-pëD-roP a-suFS-lëD-mi-së sạL aS-ta-le-pëD-ro u-zë-cë
  16. nu-lëD-soF-ju-rë pa-coS-lë-peL-ru-la u-zë-më-cë toF-ro la-fuS-lạ-suP-la u-zë-më-cë.
  17. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-xuF-lë-D-sëF.
  18. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-pëD-roP cu-rëD-xeS-sëD-mi-së e-zë u-sëP-cë iS-siP-ro cu-reP-ji-ma-ri-lë
  19. a-më lạL-zoP jạ u-sëP-cë pë-la-nuLS-xë o-puS u-sëP-cë coS-lëD-pëD-ro za-xoS-soF-ma-ri-lë a-më.
  20. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, nạ-sëDF-ri-sëD-xuF-lë-D-sëF.
  21. u-sëP-cë lu-cëD-se fi ta-siP-rë suFS-na-pëD-ro lu-soFL-miS-së ë-zë sạL xu-fëD-pëD-ro nạ-soF-rạ-seP-la ta-xë ạ-coS-lëD-peL-siP-lë a-më.
  22. fa-laPS-rëD-xëD-te, suFS-na-ri-sëD-xuP-lëD-sëF u-lëD-së-cë.
  23. lu-soFL-teL! e-leL jạ soF-sëF coS-lu-tiP-cëD-cëD-mi-re-la ta-xi-rë teF-peS-se ta-ri-rë mạ-sëD-të i-saF-zuF-të-seF-zeF-la ta-xi-rë,
  24. jạ mạ-cë i-nePS-ti i-në reP-xë xu-fëD-pëD-ro suFS-na-soF-rạ-siP-lë fa-laPS-xëD-sạ-rëD-në ë-zëF raS-coP-lëD-pe mo-të!
  25. lu-soFL-teL! raS-cëD-riP-sëD-xuP-sëF u-zë-cë a-mëD-niS-soF-rëD-te-ci-lë ru-si-rë.
  26. ca-li-rë nuS-sëD-riP-sëD-pëD-roP ni-lëD-mi-rë u-lëD-së-cë.

Now, for how this breaks down: Each CV, CCV, or V grouping (where C is a consonant and V is a vowel) denotes a single character. There are 84 total CV characters, 7 CCV characters (all denote ncV where V is a vowel), and seven V characters (one for each vowel), though not every single character appears in the above text. The superscript characters denote a diacritic, and these diacritics are as follows:
  • D indicates a dropped vowel and only appears on . This indicates the vowel is dropped and the character is pronounced only as a consonant. This happens implicitly at the end of the word, without any diacritic being necessarily.
  • F indicates a fronted consonant, and indicates that the consonant is dentalized. This is sort of like the distinction between the initial consonants in sin versus thin.
  • L indicates a long vowel, and denotes a phonetic (though not phonemic) diphthong. For example, "la" would be written with the la but laj would be written as "laL".
  • P indicates a palatalized consonant. This is sort of like the distiction between the middle consonants in "cannon" vs "canyon".
  • S denotes a stressed syllable. How exactly stress is realized in Early Heartlandic is a topioc that goes a bit beyond this post.

Groups of superscript characters indicate multiple diacritics, and some diacritics merge. Additionally, certain diacritics (overdots esecially) merge with adjacent diacritics.

So, I think this is coming along nicely so far. At the very least, it looks pretty! (Or at least I think it looks pretty.)
How do you call someone a "filthy casual" in that language
I don't understand anything Popisfizzy says. :(
In response to Lavenblade
Lavenblade wrote:
I don't understand anything Popisfizzy says. :(

That's because your brain isn't as advanced as ours. Don't worry - being highly intelligent isn't all it's cracked up to be. We're usually this intelligent because we had to make up for other areas we were lacking in, such as physical strength or penis length.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Lavenblade wrote:
I don't understand anything Popisfizzy says. :(

That's because your brain isn't as advanced as ours. Don't worry - being highly intelligent isn't all it's cracked up to be. We're usually this intelligent because we had to make up for other areas we were lacking in, such as physical strength or penis length.
I recommend stretches three times a day. Once in the morning, once while at work on your lunch, and once after you get home. Try that for 3-6 months and then move up to wearing weights all day. In no time you'll be packing a massive 8 inches.

In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
We're usually this intelligent because we had to make up for other areas we were lacking in, such as physical strength or penis length.

Tell me about it man. :( I had to make up for my average length with enormous girth. It's so inconvenient!
I don't know if the public is ready for this yet but i have been working on a toaster that will un toast toast that has been toasted!

The name is the un toast it toaster and it will look like a toaster.

^_^ how does this sound ^_^
In response to DistantWorld101
DistantWorld101 wrote:
I don't know if the public is ready for this yet but i have been working on a toaster that will un toast toast that has been toasted!

The name is the un toast it toaster and it will look like a toaster.

^_^ how does this sound ^_^

Toast Simulator 2016?
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
How do you call someone a "filthy casual" in that language

It could be something like, Fạþnjíþorcos túlncresjojrem in the right context.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
How do you call someone a "filthy casual" in that language

It could be something like, Fạþnjíþorcos túlncresjojrem in the right context.

Thanks, I will use that sometime in the near future when the opportunity presents itself.
I've finally reached a point where I can come up with a fairly-coherent timeline for the region I'm currently focused on, at least in a small timeframe of about 200 years. Everything marked circa is a rough estimate and subject to change, especially the further away it gets. While working on that, I also finally came up with and glosses the first words of another language for the setting: Ōlawījè Qišūlū-wṑ. This is glossed as ōlawī-jè qi-šūlū=wṑ city-NOM.SNG bay-PREP.SNG=at, and basically translates as "City on (the) Bay".

I also started initial work on the biographies of some significant figures in the history of the region, such as Teša Aqīre, Prophet-Revealer of the New Heartland Religion (a placeholder name) and King Repóẓj of the Pacljéþëpcòlut Line, also known as Repóẓj the Brutal, King of the First High Kingdom of the Heartland at the time of the Heartland Civil War.

In general, today was actually a fairly-productive day as far as this silly, irrelevant shit goes.
can i be a king of one of the kingdoms in your fantasy land?

i want my name to translate to something cool, like "Empireliuz the Teamicus, King of Juncaoiuehnxllekneb".
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
i want my name to translate to something cool

But I already translated your name:
fạþnjí-þor-cos        túlnc-resje -oj -rem
gather-GER-SNG.ABS.AN king- domain-AUG-SNG.GEN.INAN

Fạþnjíþor literally means "gathering", "collecting/collection", or "grouping", but can also mean "band", "group", or "team", while "túlncresjoj" can be translated as "great/grand kingdom" or "empire".
So are you making your own language or something

I've been working on creating a fictional country recently, for a novel I want to write. It's pretty fun.
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