That's actually incorrect. Say the nth man knocks on door 2n.
It took me a minute to see your point, but yes, I was not rigorous enough as I should have been. At the same time, cardinality can be a difficult to grasp if you've never done much with set theory before.
To be more accurate, if |M| = |D| then there is at least one K : M → D such that there is one man to every door. Of course, once you have some background on this stuff, that statement is essentially true by definition.
so even if man n knocks on door 2n, man 2n simply knocks on door n.
for infinite men and infinite doors there are infinite sets of combinations, such as man n and door 2n, but if each man knocks on 1 door, each door only gets knocked once and the cardinality of the set of men and the set of doors is the same then there are no remaining doors to be knocked on.
tl;dr what Pop said is accurate.