the discription states :Share helpful resources and discuss techniques for creating them
since the Pixel Art Society vanished dueto the changes we have nowere to place out work correctly,
this section is for allowing people to use the work posted in it, which not all of us want in some situations, would it be possible to add sub-forums into this area as fallowed.
"Free Resources" // all work in this section is free to use to anyone on byond
"Work In Progress" //all work in this section is for showing off there latest art and C&C, not for use for byond users without permission
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Perhaps modifying classified ads section to also allow the use of showing portfolios(For artists, and soundmakers), and giving out free resources that they made?
Just my suggestion on how to do it without expanding the forum sections. |
Tom wrote:
Couldn't that just be designated in the post? When moving some of these posts over from PixelArt (and correct me if that was not OK; I just assumed it'd be fine with the owners), I saw that most of the posts said as much in the title. Localizing a crucial factor of any game on BYOND would benefit us all, I for one as a pixel artist would like something similar to Pixel Art Society back, I assume it would be wise to make various forums, one for general BYOND discussion, and another two, one for art, and one for programming, as opposed to what we have now we have now which is quite unappealing, having any area designated to such things would be "great". |
I don't understand why it's better to have this stuff in another section. Isn't the idea to get as much traffic as possible? The PixelArt forum was not heavily trafficked. I get the intent, but I'm trying to be practical here.
Majin Furble-- interesting idea. We have some thoughts on how to better improve the ads section and I think putting in some "ad categories" would work for this usage. |
Honestly, I'm not sure why you're asking for separate sections for "Free" and "WIP" and not separate sections for sound and art. Just glancing at the first page, I see no sound. If I want to peruse sound, why do I have to look at pixel art to do so?
Isn't it possible to add tags to post? Could it then be enforced that you have to choose at least one tag (out of a list) for specific forums that you want to post in?
That way, you can mark your post as WIP/Free/Paid via tags and you could then only show posts with particular tags in a forum. |
I'm just trying to keep the number of forums to a minimum because it's easier to browse that way, especially when there aren't enough posts to really justify jumping around so much. My plan was to add sub forums as required-- by traffic, not by a pre-planned organization.