As a rp game it is important that all players not only understand how to roleplay but how to role-play well. The plot is a team effort: we're writers working together to craft a story worth reading.
For this to be a success, I suggest the following guides to all players, regardless of their experience with roleplaying:
I(Reffered by: Eternia RP)
Basic Things To Know
Metagaming: In role-playing games, metagaming is an "out of character" action where a player's character makes use of knowledge that the player is aware of but that the character is not meant to be aware of. Metagaming while taking part in relatively competitive games, or those with a more serious tone, is typically not well received, because a character played by a metagamer does not act in a way that reflects the character's in-game experiences and back-story.
Example:John was accused of metagaming when he immediately moved his player to the most protected area of the map to snipe the enemy team members, since he had played the map before and knew from experience.
Powergaming:is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems, particularly video games, boardgames, and role-playing games, with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie.
Example:A gamer who learns the rules of a game inside and out to perfection in order to become the best at that game.
Godmodding: is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. And example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.
-It can be killing or injuring a character without the player's express permission.
-It can be when they simply can’t be hit and dodge all attacks or anything for this matter aimed at them.
-It can also be using other characters that other people RP with. In other words, if you do not RP as
As long as you follow these rules;
1.) All actions that are harmful to another player must be roleplayed. For example, if you wish to attack someone, you must post a roleplay doing so and then wait for their response. Your reason for attacking them must also be justifiable-- do not attack anyone for OOC matters or for the lolz. If you plan to kill them afterwards, once they reply with their own roleplay, you are free to continue until either you or your target is defeated.
When their health is drained, they will be knocked out depending on their, assuming their will power is weak, at this state you are able to kill them by clicking Attack again. Again, your reasoning for killing must be very good and the quality of the roleplay needs to be of a decent standard, otherwise the death may be reversed. Keep in mind that all deaths will be investigated regardless to make sure thing's went 100% accordingly and nobody dies on the accounts of abuse.
2.) Do not metagame to your IC advantage. This is when you use out of character knowledge in the IC world in a harmful way. For example, a player may tell their friend on Skype where they are so that their friend's character can RP with them, however, asking where a certain person is so they can attack them isn't. In the same sense, don't purposely go out of your way to avoid conflict.
3.) God modding is not allowed. This is when you control another's actions with your roleplay, when it is not the case and the person has flexibility to roleplay something else. For example, typing "___ punched ___ in the face" would be a form of god modding, whereas "___ attempted to punch ___ in the face" would not. There are exceptions to this, of course - when it's harmless fun.
4.) You can talk OOCly in the IC chat through the user of brackets. If you have to go AFK during a role-play, you would type something along the lines of "(Brb in 15 minutes)" instead of "Brb in 15 minutes".
5.) Erotic role-playing isn't rewarded for, and if a character consistently ERPs without any legit plot development, they may be deducted roleplay points. Unless you can carry out mature RP with tact, it should be blackscreened or taken to facebook or some shit.
6.) We expect a certain level of originality to all characters, and it's generally frowned upon to take the name of another copyrighted character from either another anime or TV show. You can be inspired by them, but outright stealing an entire name with no originality is not acceptable.
7.) Being KO'd in a verb means you have been incapacitated to some degree. Like attempting to fight after such a circumstance, you are considered too beaten to manage to escape them in such a condition. They can fluff this through various means, but once you have been downed, you are at the mercy of other players for the duration of the scene.
8.) If things come to a chase, the runner must first make a roleplay running off and the chaser follows accordingly with their rp after. Once both players are finished, a countdown is set for 10 seconds and they can take off. If the runner is off-screen from the chaser for more than 10 additional seconds, they would require an additional rp if they were to ever meet anytime after. Each time the chaser is caught an additional 10 seconds is added from their last meet. For example, If I fly off screen from you for more than ten seconds, we meet, we rp, I run again. Now I have to be off screen from you for twenty seconds and etc.(Keep count of the time's caught.)
9.) All IC-Ranks are required to be known globally(This means throughout their planet.)
Gaurdians: Gaurdians are sole-individual protectors of planets throughout the universe. Despite the name, the role itself is closer to that of an overseer. Guardians are more supervisors than they are managers. They have many of the powers associated with gods, including the ability to see and sense events around the world, to travel to and guide souls to Other World, and to be a general protector of the people. They also are long-lived, though not immortal.
All Gaurdians are entitled to their own aura(Good,Evil,Neutral) but they are expected to remain isolated most of the time. Gaurdians can have (1) assistant of any race or any gender, but this limits them to any free-time around the planet given now that your assistant will/should handle most of the work for you.
Gaurdians are limited with appearance-events by the "3-Way-Window" period. this means that you can only appear and/or space-travel/other-world-travel 3 times, every 3 years. You are given an extra-chance to travel at the cost of 5% of your original lifespan, so travel wisely.
Hermits: Hermits are known wise-individuals that seem to only exist on planet Earth. They are inventors of infamous fighting stances and styles that populates Earth warriors. Hermits are all expected to be of age 30+, no exception. They can an unlimited amount of students & choose their own paths themselves, meaning if an Hermit becomes evil, rp accordingly. To become a Hermit, you must have mastered the "Fight-Style" you've created by 100% and have trained/taught it to 5 or more characters. Additionally, you must have an IC background that bases off or gives good reasoning for the role itself.
You can only teach your students one stance but they can have different stances/tiers. For example, you might have the Pray Manthis style, you can have stance one: Praying Manthis Stage I, stance two: Praying Manthis Stage II. etc.
Champions: Champions are individual leaders of their home planets. They are considered the planet's strongest, or second strongest underneath direct authority. You cannot become Champion if a Lord/Queen/King or President has not been appointed to your planet yet. If it has, you have the opportunity to either challenge leadership to stamp your title, or become accepted by authority themselves. Champions are expected to live on their home planet majority of the time, but if they choose to leave they have 2 years to return to their home-planet before they are de-ranked. (Regardless of IC.)
Champions should not fight just every and anyone, even for spars. "ANYTIME" a Champion fights he/she has a risk of their title. If a Champion loses and is pressured for their title, they are at risk for can either challenge your opponent to a fight to the death, or comply in giving him the title.
Fortune Teller:The Fortune Teller is a sole-individual who is rarely every heard of or seen throughout the wipe. Given their extreme influence in most of the rp, they are kept away from public eye to observe, collect, and prepare. As a Fortune Teller, you are expected to be aware of IC on "all" planets before submitting a "Tale" to the admins. The Tale must be from between 5-100 years ahead of time depending on the Teller's power, they can also only submit a tale every 6 months, these tales are only spoken of through word of mouth rather than any narration or announcements.
As a Fortune Teller you are expected to conceal your identity as much as possible, sparing your futuristic knowledge with only those you deem worthy of knowing. For every person you Fortune-Tale to, you sacrifice a portion of your over-all gains(Which can be replenished with the diet system).
Only Genies & Humans are applicable for this rank.
Leaders/Queens/Kings/Elders:All leaders are entitled to their own paths of karma. Whether they wish to be evil, good, or neutral it is all unto them to decide how they portray rulership of a planet. All Leaders can have up two (2) personal assistants, whether "The General" or "The Adviser".
Leaders are free to express rp in any manner they please, but they put themselves at high risk for "D.E.C"(Daily Event Cycle). DEC's become attracted to power and will appear often to challenge the planet to test the overall might of this leader, this is a method used to determine the Leader's Leadership overall and how he/she could command an army, or battle it out themselves.
All IC-decisions made by leaders are "IC". Do not complain to an admin about it.
Subject to change!