Basically, world.address is returning blank when attempting to access it on a server hosted on a linux box.

I'll post the entire context, but this really only is a problem on the linux box. Locally, it works fine.

var/header = "(`Network`, `Address`, `Type`, `Id`)"

var/values = "('[cluster_network]','[world.address]:[world.port]','[server_type]',[cluster_id])"

var/DBQuery/query = dbcon.NewQuery("INSERT INTO `servers` [header] VALUES [values]")

I don't know if this is a BYOND bug, or if I'm missing something.
Switching from world.address to world.internet_address was a workaround for this.
world.address should equal the local IP address of the server, if it's empty it means BYOND isn't able to determine the IP for some reason.