Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Just something that I was thinking about for quality-of-life for games would be the ability to have access to the system's playback devices such as speakers and headphones and have a game's sounds be able to play over specific devices rather than just the default.

I'm not very familiar with the WinAPI, so I don't know how easy it is to grab a list of devices from the computer, but having more options for game settings definitely couldn't hurt anything. I know plenty of people here may use multiple monitors or have different playback settings on a per-application basis.
Honestly, if we can't have this, at the least, could we have byond play directly to the default sound device rather than grab the current default and play to that. So that if we change the default, byond changes with it.

It gets annoying when I turn on my bluetooth and my current SS13 round still plays to my monitor.
In response to MrStonedOne
Not sure I follow.
Byond doesn't change/update which playback device it's sending sounds to based on what the system is doing.

But this happens on a lot of games/programs too.
ya. as far as i can tell, internally to windows, there is a difference between sending your audio stream to the default device (as a special device) and looking up the current default device and sending it to that device directly.

In that the first will update if the default device changes (say somebody plugs in headphones in a computer where those are separated out as separate devices.) and the second will not.
In response to MrStonedOne
Yeah, I did think that plugging in headphones forced the swap, but I've never had the chance to see whether bluetooth or other outlets work.

Recently I mostly got the idea since I actually plug my TV into my laptop and extend my display so basically I can watch TV and movies from the TV and play games from my laptop, sound coming out of each respectively. I'm sure there's a lot more that could be supported with having access to playback devices, but you very rarely see this option not included in most mainstream video games.