Feb 21 2016, 8:29 pm
I noticed how much more time the game server remains online the client download and loading has increased, start on 15 mb and go 500 mb in few days(on dream seeker its not happening and have not perceptible lag or something on both clients its like a dead file increasing much more and idk what hell can be reason for this problem) , anyone have any idea what might be causing this or how to fix? ty everyone.
Ter's right; icon operations are likely the big culprit. I suggest switching more of your operations to use atom.color, since that can handle pretty much everything you need now.
Additive blending with atom.color: color = list(null,null,null,null,add_color) Multiplicative blending: color = multiply_color Subtractive blending: proc/SubtractColorMatrix(sub_color) Those should be the big cases. It seems like most games that do icon blending use additive blending. |
Best to avoid icon operations at runtime unless there is a specific need.