popup = new(user, device, "[src]")
popup.title = {"<div align="left">Title</div><div align="right"><a href='byond://?src=\ref[src];choice=Refresh'>Refresh</a><a href='byond://?src=\ref[src];choice=Close'>Close</a></div>"}
popup.window_options = "size=[size_w]x[size_h];border=0;can_resize=1;can_close=0;can_minimize=0"
Problem description:
I have been looking around for a while, and I just can't figure out...
Are there any handles or anything for getting/setting the position of browser windows?
And then are there events that trigger when a window is repositioned? like windowGrabbed() windowReleased()?
There's nothing outside of javascript to handle what you want in a pure browse() window, but if you use an interface window with a browser element you get access to all the various events and variables that can be used through winset() and winget().