popup = new(user, device, "[src]")
popup.title = {"<div align="left">Title</div><div align="right"><a href='byond://?src=\ref[src];choice=Refresh'>Refresh</a><a href='byond://?src=\ref[src];choice=Close'>Close</a></div>"}
popup.window_options = "size=[size_w]x[size_h];border=0;can_resize=1;can_close=0;can_minimize=0"

Problem description:
I have been looking around for a while, and I just can't figure out...

Are there any handles or anything for getting/setting the position of browser windows?

And then are there events that trigger when a window is repositioned? like windowGrabbed() windowReleased()?
I'm not sure what library you're using for that, but it's not using anything standard from the looks of it.

There's nothing outside of javascript to handle what you want in a pure browse() window, but if you use an interface window with a browser element you get access to all the various events and variables that can be used through winset() and winget().
Alright, javascript will work for something non-standard like this then?
Should, worth giving it a shot. browse() windows are pretty outdated though and you should consider updating to interface stuff.
Alright, thanks.
Yeah, a lot of java-script work has trouble with the browser because it uses IE, and I'm not sure which version of IE.
It uses IE7 compatibility mode because that's really the best bet for making sure everyone is running the same copy, but you can use a trick to force it into running on the version of IE the client has installed.

However then you introduce inconsistencies across clients who have different versions of IE installed.
I ended up using this method

Winset URL: byond://winset?id=[element ID]&[property]=[value]&..
