Elation and I have taken a pact not to use emoticons anymore. Emoticons don't contribute anything to a sentence: they serve no purpose, save allowing the author not to write down what he really means. Every time I use one, I feel the quality of my writing decrease, when instead, it should be doing the opposite.

If you see either of us using an emoticon, please point it out.


I almost dropped this pact 5 minutes ago when Ben pointed out to me how important the tone of a message can be. However, I decided that if I say what I mean, making sure not to be sarcastic, I won't have a problem.

Update 2:

I'm going through withdrawal. It's too hard!


There goes the pact. <_<</_>
Emoticons DO add spice to the sentence though, without them, it's just not as fun. ;)
Emoticons are the internet's substitute for body language and tone of voice - and these things are just as important in everyday conversations as the actual words, if not more! =)

If you're going to drop emoticons, you should go all the way and drop all expressive punctuation, such as exclamation and question marks. Emoticons follow the same concept. =P
I agree. Emoticons make me so mad. >=( Grrr!
That's the challenge, Crispy. How far can I go without having that source of communication to tap into?
From now on I shall add "I speak in jest" every time I want to be sure I'm not taken seriously. (I speak in jest.)
There's actually a very simple test to see if a statement is made completely in earnest, with utter sincerity, and with no trace of irony.

Simply ask yourself, "Is this statement made on the internet?"
Wiz i know it must hav bin hard trying to quit well since u didnt here goto my blog post got emotion over 200 Emoticons :)