About DragonBall z Supreme Sayians
‡ DBZ:Supreme Sayians Staffs ‡
Main Owner: LiL DaMe
Co-Owner(s): Jimmy889,Rayuto,MysticGohan
Head Admin(s): None available.
Admin(s): None available.
Enforcer(s): None available.
Trial Enforcer(s): None available.
1.Do NOT ask for GM powers.
2.Don't complain about people spaming killing you.
3.Don't spam on OOC,Say,or Emote.
4.You must listen to all order of the Staff member.
5.Don't begging for boost.
6.If you make a multkey person,add a ™ to your name.
GM Rules(s):
1.Don't teleport killing players for no reason.
2.NO summoning players to the GM room for no reason.
3.Don't arguing with another staff member.
4.Do NOT abuse Staff power.
5.Respect staff member and players.
6.Follow the Staff member that is higher than you.
Enjoy playing DBZ; Supreme Sayians.