(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Problem description:
What colors provide the best blend results?

I've noticed darker colors, when blended with colors, seem to provide better results.

Lights and white colors seem to often look pastel.

What's the best color for blending in general?
Colors that that complement each other. Blue & red = purple. Green & orange = yellow, etc.
In response to Ter13
//now have an icon that has been color blended.

Also @ GreatPirateEra, I'm not speaking on color theory, it's not like that.

I'm aware red + blue = purple, but my base isn't always blue, as an example.

So I'm asking what color , when blended with a new color will produce the desired result of being as close to what it should be.

In my experience if I have a gray base, blending red into it tends to make the red color more pronounced than if I blend a pure white base with the color red (which tends to produce a pink color)

If none of you understand what I'm talking about it's fine, I can do a bit of experiment myself and figure it out. I just thought it worth asking since it's not really mentioned in the document.

For some reason it doesn't make sense for me to have a near black character base and blend it with brown to get brown skin, but that's the way it seems to work.
You're blending wrong. You should be using ICON_MULTIPLY on an as close to white icon. By default Blend() uses ICON_ADD which is not what you want.
In response to Jittai
I'll give it a try and check it out.
Best response
It's not so much that there's a right and wrong way to blend; it's more that additive blending often looks inferior to multiplicative blending.

If you start with a white or light grayscale icon and multiply by your color, you get varying shades of it with the same hue. If you start with a black or dark grayscale icon and add your color, black becomes the color but lighter shades become only similar colors; the hue can be distorted.

IMO, an ideal blend comes from multiplying your color over a light icon, and adding a dark icon for highlights. This can be done in one pass with MapColors() or with color matrices, if you use one color component (like red) for the target color and another (like green) for the highlight. However, that approach only works if you have a single-color icon.
In response to Lummox JR
I see thanks that's pretty informative.
I'll go with Icon Multiply at the moment since it suits the needs better than icon Add.

I may give the mapcolor() a try. I still haven't tried that out (yet) :p
Blending is blending,, dont matter what the nubs say follow your heart<3