Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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I realize this is really niche and unlikely, but what the heck ;) I'm adding in some post creation icon processing abilities in Particons using MapColors. There is only ever one icon being displayed. Once an icon has been dereferenced, I won't ever need it again, however it hangs around in the cache for somewhere around five minutes before going away. If I do too many adjustments my memory footprint balloons to the point where eventually DS crashes.

I'd like to have some sort of var or option to decrease the time that derefernced dynamically created icons stay in the cache file.

Hopefully that made sense...
A related and intractable problem is that the .dyn.rsc cache will fill up with icon files, and those won't go away during the session.

I've actually tried to get a handle on DS icon lifespan in the past, but every time I've mucked with client-side garbage collection it's blown up in my face.
Yeah, I read in earlier threads about what a nightmare that stuff was. Figured I'd give it a shot. I'm guessing I'm going to have to not do what I've been working on since each edit can add 20-40 MB to DS's footprint. Doesn't take long for it to blow up... ;)