In 1320, this block of code worked fine. I was placing a BLEND_SUBTRACT square over a mob with both on the same BLEND_OVERLAY plane. The mob was correctly subtracted out and the BLEND_SUBTRACT square itself was invisible. The turfs underneath were also drawn correctly. In 1321 and 1322, it looks completely different. The square is fully black and as though it was BLEND_OVERLAY. It's also rendered below the mob despite being on the same plane.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
plane = 5
layer = 1
icon_state = "square"
screen_loc = "1,1"
appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER
plane = 5
color = "#fff"
alpha = 255
client.screen += new /obj/master/swipe_master()
var/obj/swipe = new(locate(x+1,y,z))
swipe.icon_state = "square"
swipe.blend_mode = BLEND_SUBTRACT
swipe.plane = 5
swipe.color = "#000"
swipe.layer = 10
var/obj/copy = new(locate(x-4,y,z))
copy.appearance = appearance
var/obj/copyswipe = new(locate(copy.x,copy.y,copy.z))
copyswipe.appearance = swipe.appearance
var/matrix/M = transform
animate(swipe, transform = M, time = 40)
animate(copyswipe, transform = M, time = 40)
The square icon_state is just a 32x32 fully white opaque square.
Expected Results:
1320 looks like this:
Actual Results:
1321 and 1322 look like this:
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked?
1320 worked fine.
I haven't found anything that quite does what I was looking for that works on 1321.