Feb 1 2016, 12:29 am
Yeah... if you're not subscribed to this channel and you fancy yourself as a "game developer," then you're doing something wrong. Most of us already know about these guys, but should you not: buckle up. |
In response to Rushnut
I can give that a fair assessment, but what he says on the psychology topics isn't explicitly wrong, that much should be pointed out. He does have a tendency to give very watered down versions of topics that almost need to be covered in hour-long discussions, which usually leads to a lot of confusion about more advanced topics, but like you said, for beginners, his channel provides a lot of information.
But then again, 99% of the developers on this website are beginners, so if there's any place where his channel is relevant, I think it's here. ;) Rushnut wrote: I'm not subscribed to this channel and I fancy myself a "game developer". Get@me. |
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
He's a confident motherfucker with an almost cult-level following, who often spouts complete nonsense on almost anything about how the human mind perceives certain specific things. Lol |
In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
But then again, 99% of the developers on this website are beginners, so if there's any place where his channel is relevant, I think it's here. ;) Very solid point. I guess I let my elitist bigotism leek out a little. Should get that checked out See you seem to think that there is no spoon, but psychologically the effect that the spoon has on the player makes a far bigger impact than you might think. The spoon isn't a literal spoon, you might be shocked to find out, infact the spoon is more like a goal, it's an analogy made to hone in the point that all video games are actually desert, and that you should use the spoon whatever it may be to actually acquire the end goal that the game is delivering. SEE I CAN SPOUT FUCKING NONSENSE TOO. |
In response to Rushnut
God damnit, Rush. I want pie, now...
I have many reasons to be fair, he provides and incredibly good "overview" of a topic, he'll tell you about thing A and why it effects thing B and why you should take C into consideration, and that's great, that's worth watching. But once he start to dissect deeper into things and once he tries to start explaining things like psychological effect and causation he REALLY drops the ball. He's a confident motherfucker with an almost cult-level following, who often spouts complete nonsense on almost anything about how the human mind perceives certain specific things.
I think he's great for someone who is starting out and only wants a brief overview of a topic of game design, but past that he'll hurt you more than he'll teach you.