
Hello Readers! The past two week's updates are in and ready to share. Interested in more community involvement and faster updates? Check out and subscribe to the BYOND and Dream Makers reddit groups, IRC and Skype Channels, and Twitter and Facebook pages!


The first beta version of BYOND 510 was released earlier today and the bug reports are already rolling in. This beta edition features new language additions that have been in development for the past few months. JSON Support, tick_usage, PLANE_MASTER, regex support, and several text handling procs, with full details in the release notes and reference.


New interaction features and items were on the list for the latest two version of the role-playing game Sigrogana Legend 2. A few new indicators were added to make dungeon raiding and skill selection decisions easier to make. Music preference options and chatting features were added as well. In the department of new arrivals, players can now find new clothing, furniture, closet expansions, and food items. Got milk?

Manio released a status update on the development of Extinction 2, featuring information about the role of the Geneticist in his dinosaur-escaped survival game. Using the tools of the trade, Geneticists can mix and match DNA to produce hybrid dinosaurs for the park. Also included in the log is the title screen, medal lineup, and screenshots. Manio is also looking for an artistically-inclined individual to draft some grown-up reptiles.

The developers of Severed World recently shared a unfinalized video preview of the game's introduction, while handing out some statistics about the current status of the game. Around 150 quests and 300 items, 21 boss fights and 11 dungeons, and all the major features and systems of an RPG, over an estimated 1400 man-hours. While we wait for Webclient stability and Severed World's open-testing, a few autumn screenshots were shared.

Lux has seen the addition of smooth ramps and a new enemy recently. The Zeets and their hive are small insects that will swarm and damage the rover. They aren't meaty enough to block a project, but their hive will withstand a few hits. A quick glance of a new boss was given, and if it's anything like it's smaller cousins, its bound to be a real smasher.

Solstice Entertainment posted an update log for the prior week, covering the completed and in-development systems of Sword & Soul Online, a upcoming MORPG. A discussion is currently being held about the additional of an automatic targeting system, with the current consensus not in favor. Beta testing applications were also taken over the past week, and are now closed.

Lost Magic has recently underwent development by Vegeta ssjj2. The player takes on the role of a mage in a world filled with action, adventure, and magic. Graphic previews currently are limited to a few character creation screens, but basic systems are complete, and updates are released frequently.

Pixelcomet took a moment from celebrating his birthday to update us on the developmental progress of Land of Fire, an RPG set in Feudal Japan. With crafting out of the way, Combat has regained focus, bringing about a new skill. With BYOND 510 now out, the developers no longer have to wait to make use of the PLANE_MASTER feature, so improved shadow casting will help the game's atmosphere, along with the new terrain icons that were created.

Kumorii has been leaving brief progress logs around about a new development, hiding the name as [Redacted], but from what can be made out, it sounds like a shooter/survival game.

Fanta, Fanta, Wanta Fanta? Flick has been learning Javascript while developing a new game called Fantasweeper. The game is similar to the classic Minesweeper, but with a few RPG elements tossed in. The levels of monsters in unrevealed squares are reflected in adjacent reveled squares, and a higher hero level is required to defeat the monsters. Tools can be used to cut though the randomly generated environment, when needed.

These are so great. Keep up the amazing work Higoten!
nice work everyone
feelin good
its bound to be a real smasher.

I see what you did there.

Also this didnt show up in pager >..<.