In response to GreatFisher
"item-slot" is the name of an icon state.
okay one sec I'll try this in my game and see what happens.
Err nothing happened.
Edit. Okay I got something now.
Try adding this:

icon = 'something.dmi'

hud_inventory = new(src)

You have to set the icon to be used by the hud group object. All objects created within it will inherit that icon value.

You also have to pass the mob to its constructor to tell it who the inventory should be shown to.
In response to Forum_account
Okay I'm going see if I can get this to work for me just cos it save me time lol.
You're coming a long way, GreatFisher. You should be very proud of your accomplishments.
Why thank you, I hope this game may someday be up with the likes of nestalgia and SS13, it's unlikely but I can live in hope.(and not just my coding improved, so has my grammar lol)
Oh wait, everytime I make something that requires few lines of code I have to make a post about it?
In response to Avainer1
*Enter the piontlessly nasty person*
Avainer, behave yourself. Nice job GreatFisher, as someone learning to program, I understand it's nice to accomplish even the smallest thing :)

But yeah go steel F_A's stuff now :P
In response to Teka123
ok bb
I made a HUD inventory system with a crafting system was originally made for Feed when I was working on the project, I might make it a Library as it can be implemented into any game

I'm sure I released a demo a while ago when I was working on it but it is fully finish now, I LOVE WORKING WITH THE HUD!
The HUD Groups library has an on-screen inventory demo.
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