Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

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As posted on /r/ss13 - byond_and_windows_10/

Also, a post so LummoxJr doesn't forget <3

"Most textboxes that appear (eg: nanoui) are also quite out of what would be a proper size.

That's the annoying part D:

The resolution is set 2736x1824 by standard on an SP4. The screen is only around 12 inches in size. It's not a high res with a big screen -- Because that wouldn't be an issue. It's a high res on a 'eh' screen size. D:"

"iirc WIN10 doesn't do program/forced scaling so D:

Only thing I can think of that would un-cock it would be to -- as you suggested -- lower the resolution. But that would be for everything, and not that screen/program. Which would make everything look like ass/blurry/etc as it's not a typical standard resolution to begin with."
I've added this to my list of things to look at for 511.
You can also have Windows apply the scaling for you, if you change your manifest in your binary to not include that you are going to handle scaling.
<dpiAware xmlns="">true</dpiAware> what you have in there right now. Having this set causes Windows to assume your application is going to handle DPI upscaling internally. Having it set to false tells Windows that you want it to scale it. It's as simple as forcing that to false when you're building it.

End-users (like myself) can use an editor to change it after-the-fact as well. I used XN Resource Editor to edit the manifest xml doc in the binary and set that to false for dreamseeker.exe and dreammaker.exe.

You could do that as a quick fix, then code proper scaling later. Doing your scaling internally will look nicer (Windows just does like, nearest-neighbor as-if-it-was-an-image scaling to the whole interface which makes it slightly more blurry than it could otherwise be).
Huh. I'm not actually doing anything special with the manifest right now, so I'll have to take a look.
Might be the default in whatever you're using to compile it. Or the compiler sees something you're doing and is making an assumption and doing it for you.

If it happens to be VS, here's a thread about forcing it off in VS. 5e60a54d-baf5-46e3-9eac-a959f2a0fba1/ how-do-i-disable-dpi-awareness?forum=vcgeneral
Thanks! That ought to be helpful.