I shall be running independent in 2008 for the esteemed (although slightly less so in recent years) position of Commander in Chief in the great country of America.

My motto: "A SWAT team in every school." Recent events have forced us to think heavily about school security. Wouldn't we all feel better knowing that huge, heavily armed people are patrolling your or your child's school pointing machine guns at anyone who looks suspicious?
A SWAT team at every school? All some kid would have to do is pull out a bag of flour. They'd think it's a bomb and chase him down with a bunch of M-16s.
Most SWAT teams don't use such bulky rifles. Its more likely they'd have M4 Carbines or MP5s.
Let me make an amendment to your bill.

A SWAT team of every school.

Give kids guns and awesome armour and helmets, a slo-mo button and BATTLE TO THE DEATH
Give kids guns and awesome armour and helmets, a slo-mo button and BATTLE TO THE DEATH

Haha, everyone wins with slo-mo involved, well except for the poor soul without it.
Vex is 35? o.O
ZeroCrash wrote:
Vex is 35? o.O

I smell a pedophile if you're correct!