I've been trying to come up with scenarios where goto is useful in DM's syntax. I've only found a single pattern where it is actually useful and can't be better managed by more robust patterns (provided specific constraints).
For those of you that have found a good use for goto, would you be so kind to share your thoughts on the subject, why you use it in this case, and how your code using goto is patterned?
![]() Jan 16 2016, 5:14 am (Edited on Jan 16 2016, 5:52 am)
Breaking out of a nested loop with "break":
outer_loop |
I feel like goto exists solely to make other processes seem more operational. Then again, there is the scenario where you have options to "go back" in a process, but really you can't utilize it unless you're using BYOND's default input proc.
mob/verb/Make_Character() |
Konlet wrote:
I feel like goto exists solely to make other processes seem more operational. Then again, there is the scenario where you have options to "go back" in a process, but really you can't utilize it unless you're using BYOND's default input proc. mob/verb/Make_Character() The issue with this is that it forces you to perform all the options underneath it as well. |
goto is useful for creating a state machine without proc call overhead and stack management issue. It also ensures that the prototype tree stays clean of stuff that would otherwise force you to pass around list handles to act as temporary memory, or to use a datum to manage the flow of the state machine.
Konlet wrote: but really you can't utilize it unless you're using BYOND's default input proc. input()-based control flows are a very good use of goto in some cases, but really input() is a moot point because any function that is blocking and unreliable would show the exact same merits as Konlet's example. As for "unless you are using BYOND's default input proc." Completely not true. ![]() The above gif was a test of a dynamic conversation engine. The basic code structure looks something like this behind the scenes: "test"=list("label:confirm","cmd=resize;box=message;pos=0,0;size=256x80;","cmd=message;text=This is a test<BR>This is a test<BR>This is a test<BR>This is a test;last=0","cmd=resize;box=message;size=176x80","cmd=resize;box=choice;pos=176,0;size=80x80","cmd=choice&text=Do+you+want+to+hear+that+again%3f&choices=yes%3dconfirm%26no%3dcancel","label:cancel","cmd=resize;box=message;pos=0,0;size=256x80;") ^That's the deobfuscated control code that I'm using dumped from my database. The obfuscated variation of this is much less readable. In DM, this conversation structure would actually look like this: LBL_confirm Of course, the uncompiled code actually looks like this (if translated into DM vernacular): do It's the same pattern, only the micro programming language I wrote for handling conversations doesn't have if(), switch(), while(), or for() patterns when it's compiled. The uncompiled code has those patterns, but they compile down to label jumps. TL;DR: this pattern is not exclusive to input() any blocking function that is unreliable can use this pattern. In case anybody's curious about how this works under the hood... This is what the deobfuscated, compiled language's interpreter objects look like without the larger portions. The portions I'm not including in this post are the portions concerned with memory management and condition testing: conversation My programming language does make heavy use of "goto"-like structures under the hood, but they are used explicity for the purpose of creating if, while, switch, for, etc. patterns using a very small instruction set. |
I never realized switch could be used like that to pause an operation like some of BYOND's defaults.
It can't be used to pause an operation. The condition inside of the switch statement is a blocking operation. The switch is irrelevant to the blocking/nonblocking, it's just a logic gate.
The "pause" you are talking about happens inside of the ChatMessage/ChatChoice procs: client Basically, I just keep a loop going inside of the choice/message functions that prevents the calling proc from returning until a certain condition is met --in which case, it's either when my message box object has been notified that it has been completed, which I have rigged up to the player's input functions. When the player presses the confirm keybind, it marks the messagebox as finished, allowing the ChatMessage() proc to return, thus allowing the parent function to continue. |
Rushnut wrote:
> start for() |
If a proc needs to do cleanup work--this is much less of a concern in DM than in C++ of course--then goto may be a good choice. Basically goto replaces a return statement.
proc/DoSomething() BYOND uses this pattern a great deal under the hood when temporary arrays are created. It's often the cleanest way to go. The compiler is capable of collapsing matching code blocks so it does the same thing, but the wrapup pattern allows all the cleanup code to be done in one place, consistently. |
With well written code there's literally no reason for the average user to use goto with what there is in Byond.
proc/DoSomething() Is the same as using goto to wrapup. Either way if the first condition isn't met in either cases it's going to go to the end. If both conditions are checking the same variable, you might as well just use a switch if you're worried about any extra overhead. If you're going to have multiple versions of CleanMess you can just directly call return CleanMess(params) as well. The only time I really see if chaining like that as something worthwhile is when you're actually returning a value. There's no point in not just using if if if in those. |
no reason for the average user to use goto I agree with this. The average user shouldn't need to use goto, but the abstracted pattern you mention induces more overhead. I think there's a good case that goto is a much-maligned pattern that actually does have a lot of use in programming and is often overlooked as the best solution because it allows the user to make many mistakes the compiler would otherwise prevent using more robust patterns. The trouble with robust patterns is that they come packaged with sacrifices that aren't obvious to someone who doesn't deeply understand the underlying structure of these patterns. |
I once used goto to assign another random number to a variable because i was to lazy to copy and paste U.U.
It broke my program though :D. |
My feelings exactly. A typical user shouldn't go anywhere near goto, because it can get you into trouble. But an advanced user may run across a situation where the only way out of using goto involves more overhead--or possibly an unacceptable sacrifice to speed, in code where performance is critical.
Only once a programmer has mastered regular loops and learned a lot more, do they really understand the costs and benefits of using a tool like goto. Also, its true best uses tend never to show up in simple cases, only complex ones. |
goto is a good way to break out of a nested loop.
The real problem with goto is the lack of scope limitations. If you are careless with your use of goto, you can wind up jumping over scope cleanup or possibly even a declaration.