I'm watching Prison Break for the first time right now, you know, that FOX show? Well, for a completely serious show, it's pretty funny. One of the side-plots is apparently this mildly retarded escapee who has a penchant for shoplifting. Well, he runs out of one store after getting almost caught, and the keeper's dog is following him around. It's pretty funny, and involves a boat, turkey slices, and a windmill.

Another funny part, another escapee is completely oblivious to an FBI raid and his own arrest as he's thanking this woman for helping him earlier.

Funny stuff.
But...we had steak that night.
Yeah, I just barely watched for the first time tonight as well. It's not a bad show.
I think Prison Break was better during the first season, but I'm still watching.

I don't know how serious it is supposed to be. A lot of shows add comedy. For instance, the crew of Stargate:SG1 often refers to the show as a comedy instead of science fiction/fantasy.