There's one other potential cause for this. world.realtime is slightly inaccurate because it's a really big number.
Try swapping all the world.realtime in the code I gave you with world.time. It's less reliable than realtime, but it shouldn't suffer from the rounding errors that world.realtime does. If that doesn't work, then the problem rests with your codebase. |
It worked it is refreshing evry seconds now!but it is weird because I still see no world.log i've put
but the the second work properly even if I've put a world.log in stat() panel??? |
because of the New() override my file error.txt(called in New()) wasnt working but when I fixed it it does that the world log goes in that file so I just checked and all the world.log are in the file but I will remove them because it'll spam too much for nothing but thank you m8 for you help it is greatly appreciate and if I need help with anything else even if it is in the source code could you still help me?
even if it is in the source code could you still help me? I'm less inclined to help you with code problems in that case, but I am willing to help you understand theory. You just have to apply it yourself. You really need to read some resources though. Ignoring what we say and just doing your own thing is only hurting you. It doesn't hurt us. Just start a new thread if you run into trouble. |
If your Stat() proc sleeps anywhere, it will delay the next call to Stat() until that sleep is finished. If sleep() is anywhere in Stat() or any procs called from Stat(), it's more than likely wrong.