Hello, I am digging through BYOND to make a realistic MMO architecture, and am curious if it is plausible to transfer a player to another host server port for the same game, when they step onto a turf or area? (think Zelda: Link to the Past room-based format)
I am reading that DMScript can be called at the beginning of the game (I'm guessing in the .DME???) to connect a player to a specific port number/server host of the game. I want to be able to call this script or a similar functionality/proc to connect a player to a different host when they walk to the edge of the map. Particularly this snippet of code is mentioned in the DM Reference docs:
#define URL "telnet://themud.byond.com:6005"
I'm not sure how it is intended to be called outside of the DMScript (such as in a .DM or .DME file during runtime).
If anyone can help, thank you! I'd love to bring in hundreds of thousands of new members to help BYOND thrive more than ever :)
Best regard,
Matt Olick
I'm also thinking there may be a hack around via the Web Client (use the browser to close your session and force you to another host port)
http://www.byond.com/docs/ref/webclient.html |
@Ter13 so hypothetically this would do the job?
area I'm assuming I'd want to put the port number in braces [] and set it to a variable type. And also probably design a way to send the player's position on the previous map to the new server, and then spawn your client at the appropriate location on the next host. |
You don't want to use the telnet protocol - you'd want to use byond://.
Export(), Import(), and Topic() will also be of use for you if you are moving players around and communicating data from server to server.