Boot(mob/PC/M in world)
set category = "GM"
set desc = "Who do you wish to boot?"
if(M == usr) usr << "Can't boot yourself."
else GM_Announce("[usr] Booted [M].");M.Logout()
Problem description:
Right now, this is my code for booting players out of the server
My code has three branches of /mobs, /mob/PC for player characters, /mob/monsters and /mob/spawns; I use the /mob/spawn to create random monsters in a place, allowing me to add rare enemies. My problem is, when I use the Boot verb, it shows not only players, but also monsters and spawns, is there a way to make it so only players will appear as an option for the verb?
Provided you are keeping track of your players like the above, you can do something like this: