I've been running on 509.1313 and had no issues. One of my players mentioned an issue with chat output in the newest version of byond so I checked and updated to 509.1318 and sure enough, it destroyed chat outputs.
Line Breaks. Specifically line breaks in a single output with an image immediately following.
When there's a linebreak in a single output and that break is immediately followed by an image. it removes the last character before the linebreak, inserts the image, and then puts the linebreak after the image.
If I were to have...
what would normally come out would be...
but right now what i'm getting is....
Has anyone else had something similar happen? Or have any idea what would cause this? If you use the byond chat log function and then view the log it comes out like normal in the log.
Here's a few good examples of the issue happening.
http://i.imgur.com/gET9kVn.png Note that I've colored the background to make the timestamp text a bit more noticable. Here's the output for the first instance in that picture.... And just to make it clear. "dcard_n.png" is the image of the hand over the deck of cards shown in both outputs. <center><font color=#dddddd>\[[time2text(world.timeofday,"hh:mm:ss")]\]</font><br><img src="dcard_n.png"><font color=#0dbf33><b>[name] draws [D] card\s.</b><br>([Hand.len] card\s in hand)</font></center> The You can see that the image is after the break and the closing bracket of the timestamp but it's overwriting it in the output. this is the output for the second one being displayed... <center><font color=#dddddd>\[[time2text(world.timeofday,"hh:mm:ss")]\]</font><br><a href='?src=\ref[src];cshow=[C.type]'><IMG SRC=\ref[C.icon] ICONSTATE="[C.icon_state]" ICONDIR=NORTH></a> <br><img src="dcard_n.png"><font color=#0dbf33><b>[name] D [D] card\s.</b><br>([Hand.len] card\s in hand)</font></center> This is used when a card is face-up in the deck for whatever reason. It would normally show the output along with a image of the card in a hyperlink that you can click on to see the info of that card. The image of the card should be coming out on it's own line but the 2nd image is moving up to the same line and ignoring the break. BUT the image of the card itself is being displayed properly and isnt eating the ending bracket of the previous line like in the first example. |
I recommend reporting this in Bug Reports. It's probably fallout from a change I made to the output control. If you can provide a demo project that'd be great.
There you go. Post in bug report section complete with demo. |
Here's a better example of the issue that's happening. The top is how the output looks now. The bottom is what gets recorded when you log the game. Aside from the images being broken in the log, that's the correct formatting.
You can also see how it's eating the S in the "SPECIAL SUMMONS" line making it just say "SPECIAL SUMMON"