It would seem I can not launch any byond games. I have checked a few other posts and added it to my avast exception list but to no avail. I have reinstalled a few times and restarted my comp but still can not open it up. Would appreciate some help.
Dec 20 2015, 12:02 pm
Dec 26 2015, 12:44 pm
I'm having the same issue, I've restarted my computer and the application, still no luck.
I know it has been a while since I have replied, but I have literally tried everything. I did the avast thing I am positive of it, I upgraded to windows 10, I even did a reset on my laptop (clearing most of my apps and downloads including avast) and redownloaded byond to still see my games will not open. I did also try entering the game path with dreamseeker.exe but whenever i do that the client box opens and says
Connecting to byond://Bustercannon.SoulElysium...failed |
This is how you fix it. Assuming it isn't a problem with your internet connection, the server, your firewall or Antivirus
In response to Zeke daddy
Failed connection means the server is down, or that you or they have a network problem.