(See the best response by Tobba.)
When DreamSeeker is opened for them, the task launches but no dialog opens. No threads are created(eg system threads) except the main thread.

We're out of ideas. 508 works. The earliest 509 build, however does not.
There is no crash trace to be had. It just idles in the task list, unkillable.
Any suggestions?

Send DreamSeeker to Avast as a false positive.
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64bit, Service Pack 1
Problems occurred the moment i updated from 507 to 509.

byond.exe runs fine and i can navigate the pager without issue. However, running dreamseeker.exe (from the pager or from the byond files fold) hangs everything up.
OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit most recent updated I think?

Having the same issues as stated above, the client works but it hangs when I try to join a server.
Best response
Disable Avast.
Can confirm, adding an exclusion to avast for dreamseeker.exe solved the issue!
I had assumed they weren't using Avast, oh well.
Still worth noting that it only started happenign with 509
I don't know why 509 has been triggering Avast. Seems to be only since 1314 as well.
I had someone try the earliest 509 build and the latest 508. Only the 508 one worked.
Interesting. Still, report the false positives.