(See the best response by Konlet.)

Problem description:

Im trying to break down tracks to instruments so can byond play many tracks together?? Like is there a chanel limit??

one example why I'm trying to do this is:
When battle starts i want to be able to play each instrument or some group of instruments in a channel, but if player is losing the fight I want some instruments to change their melody to intensify the scene.

So can byond do it??
Yea, you can play multiple sounds at once. There is an internal limit of 1,000 channels at once last I checked, and a channel can be set via the sound proc as such:
usr << sound('example.ogg',channel=1,repeat=1)

This will send the sound to channel 1, rather than a random channel as it does by default. Sending a different sound to the same mob (for example, playing 'example2.ogg') will immediately end the old sound in favor of the new one.
You can also use a hidden browser element to html embed a player which gives you greater flexibility on audio file formats and such.
In response to Pokemonred200
Best response
Pokemonred200 wrote:
Yea, you can play multiple sounds at once. There is an internal limit of 1,000 channels at once last I checked, and a channel can be set via the sound proc as such:
> mob/verb/playSound()
> usr << sound('example.ogg',channel=1,repeat=1)

This will send the sound to channel 1, rather than a random channel as it does by default. Sending a different sound to the same mob (for example, playing 'example2.ogg') will immediately end the old sound in favor of the new one.

All this, but the limit of channels is 1024. setting the channel to 0 or less will choose a random available channel. If you play a null sound on channel 0, the settings will update for all channels.
nice thanks for the replies