This post is a little bit late this weekend And We're going to move these dev logs to Tuesdays since Sundays were a little bit difficult to keep with my work schedule. This week's Post is also significantly shorter than last week's.
For the majority of week we've been tinkering away at the game's backend, improving performance and fixing bugs. Our biggest boost to performance was the addition of Update loop.
Meanwhile in the art department thanks to some feedback we've gotten we've decided to change direction in terms of Interior layouts. Before All interiors were drawn in a skewed perspective. While we really liked how this looked it proved to be alittle too much to deal with when it came to drawing furniture- especially when furniture were placed near the walls. Perspective errors were easy to notice and so we've decided to go with a more traditional appearance for interiors. Here is how basic layouts look at the moment.
For those wondering about the workflow of creating these we're drawing them by hand and each 'zone' would be loaded as an instance. From there we'd place furniture and such.
Last week I showed a gif that featured alittle bit of building. This week I'm showing alittle bit on how we intend to take care of inventory management and how we're going about it.
The amount of items your character can carry is finite. Not only in Weight but you're given only a limited amount of space to work with. Most of it is inspired by resident evil games where you have to manage how you place items in your inventory to acheive the optimum amount of space. What we've done is taken that concept and pretty much mimicked it in a sense. Limited space mean that you'll be required to store your items[In crates, houses or whatever containers there are available in the game.] This will be essential as we're aiming to build the game around the concept of semi perma death with some areas being an exception. What this means is that whatever your character is carrying at the point where they are killed is lost. Here's a .Gif of how Inventory management works at the moment.