![]() Dec 8 2015, 2:58 am
The block feature makes Rush look like he's going insane, posting after himself in a one-sided conversation. It's actually pretty hilarious.
He deleted his comments, you can still see other ones earlier on in the thread.
If you can't stand the heat... |
Kats wrote:
The block feature makes Rush look like he's going insane, posting after himself in a one-sided conversation. It's actually pretty hilarious. you don't have me blocked... i just deleted my post because i'm not gonna continue to have a discussion with people that can't afford me, people that work with 15yr olds or people that think artist should agree to give up the rights to their art on byond... maybe unity or some major platform since they pay more than people on byond who think bases cost 60$ and building sets should be 40$ lol The very people doing the most talk are the ones with 0successful projects just a bunch of projects in development but claim they're pro game developers... The very people if byond dies will probably move to RPG maker. |
Southend_boi wrote:
The very people doing the most talk are the ones with 0successful projects just a bunch of projects in development but claim they're pro game developers... The very people if byond dies will probably move to RPG maker. Find any post of mine that states I'm a pro game developer. :) That's right, you can't. You're the one acting like you're too good for everyone else, not the other way around. My proof? This post. Where is yours? |
Lavenblade wrote:
Southend_boi wrote: I don't even know who you are to find your post bruh. And yes i'm too good for people on byond i make it very clear people on byond don't know how to pay for art and can't afford me so ummm.... was that suppose to be a insult ? |
Southend_boi wrote:
Lavenblade wrote: Lots of big talk for a chump who's got nothing more than 0 successful projects and art that my peeps would look at and tear up in laughter. I'm only going at you because none of them behave like some 14 year old who loves getting himself backed up in a corner during conversations. |
Ishuri wrote:
Southend_boi wrote: you're defending the same people who said you shouldn't of sold Spirit ages art to multiple people ? Lets be serious here Ishuri you're on your way to being homeless making youtube videos to complain and cry about you not being able to pay your rent with byond money cause Kietrich Griffin did a charge back... lmao your dumbass didn't even know who ripped you off and thought it was Paris and lets not forget you don't have any successful projects either so you can go under the same category as that bum Rushnut. @Nero - are you really talking ? you created a NNG rip, stole art from a DS and Kalero which looks like a bunch of free resource art i don't need your criticism your games look worse than RPG maker art. |
Edit Nero wrote:
Southend_boi wrote:http://www.byond.com/games/hubpic/106226_15860.png this aint free resource art. absurd mindset for art prices... this is why you steal DS naruto game art and use NU's art for a dodgeball game cause clearly you can't afford any art and don't know how much art really costs. how is 250$-500$ for a base absurd ? charging per-frame thats how much the amount will come up to if not more depending on what the client wants but byonders don't know about paying per frame i guess which is why i said you idiots think bases cost 50-60$ |
Edit Nero wrote:
I didn't steal that art rofl.. the owner public sourced it. I bought NU, so didn't steal that either, anything else? The owner of a DS game public sourced it you don't honestly believe anyone would believe that BS your selling ? HaxRP bought NU, You bought NU smh everyone using NU claims they bought NU funny how you bought it around the same time it got leaked... Illuminati confirmed ? You make 3D models but don't know how art prices work ? i suggest you stop talking about things you clearly don't understand. When will these boys learn im steph curry with the shot. |
-.- What the hell? I requested you guys not to fight here but create a separate thread.Is that so hard to understand?
I too would love to join this fight. I request moderators to delete the comments not related to Topic. |
Edit Nero wrote:
It's like $15 per hour for sprites. The only way your art would be 200+ is if that shit has multiple frames(15+) in each state. But I don't see any of your art in any projects so that tells me something here is wrong. Not everyone uses hourly rates; you can do per frame, for a set price, etc. I think you've done a good job of proving your ignorance in this subject with your recent posts. I just wanted to clarify that though. I won't pollute A2J2's topic anymore than it already has been. |
Edit Nero wrote:
It's like $15 per hour for sprites. The only way your art would be 200+ is if that shit has multiple frames(15+) in each state. But I don't see any of your art in any projects so that tells me something here is wrong. you don't know nothing when it comes to art which is pretty much what i've been saying throughout this topic... i charge per-frame 0.75 or 1.00 - 32x32 1.50 or 2.00 - 48x48 3.00 or 3.50 - 64x64 people ask for stupid stuff like jumps, multiple attacks and other things which are frame heavy and everyone think their base needs alot of states... hell Manasouls combo was 50frames at above 64x64 thats like 4.00 a frame thats shockingly 200$ for 1direction.... animations cost alot textures don't. |
Animations only cost that much if you're a good animator and sadly, most people here aren't. If you're an artist but have never studied traditional animation techniques, then you should not animate, just stick to still art.
Most of the items still available for sale.
PM me if you would like to buy anything. |