Speed up the compiling times of a BYOND project?

I'm currently running an i5 and was curious about this the other day as to whether or not this would make even the slightest difference.
Not in my experience. And I went from i3 to i7.
I think what you want is more RAM.
Since Dream Maker is single threaded it almost entirely depends on the clock speed and cache speed, memory speed is also a factor as FKI said, but not so much. If you're looking to upgrade to an i7 for the sake of DM, look into ones with less cores and more clock speeds, should be a significant increase.
I should also mention, compiling with DM seems to have a relatively large amount of reading/writing, which makes some sense, so it's also most likely a good choice to look into getting an SSD for your compiling. That'll be another significant increase.
Thank you so much for the input, guys. I appreciate it.